IAIFI Committees

IAIFI is establishing committees that include a mix of faculty, postdocs, and students to plan and coordinate primary IAIFI activities. Current IAIFI Committees and their details are listed below. If you are interested in joining any of the committees below, email iaifi@mit.edu.


  • Status: Seeking additional members
  • Coordinates the purchase and management of IAIFI computing hardware and identifies and establishes additional computing solutions, as well as facilitates the utilization of computing resources and tools
  • Time commitment: One meeting per month, with some input or information gathering needed between meetings
  • Current Computing Committee: Will Detmold (Chair), Taritree Wongjirad, Denis Boyda, Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, Mit Kotak, Andrew Saydjari, Marisa LaFleur
  • Primary Contact: Email Will Detmold (Chair)

Industry Partnership

  • Status: Accepting additional members
  • Establishes and fosters connections with industry partners for mutual benefit through internships, workforce development and recruitment, resource sharing, collaboration, and funding; as well as provides resources and guidance to IAIFI members for career development and exploration.
  • Time Commitment: Expected one-hour meeting per month and time spent developing materials (on volunteer basis)
  • Current Industry Partnership Committee: Marin Soljacic (Chair), Mike Williams, Denis Boyda, Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, Ge Yang, Nayantara Mudur, Sangeon Park, Emmanouil Theodosis, Marisa LaFleur
  • Past Industry Partnership Committee: Todd Zickler, Anna Golubeva
  • Primary Contact: Email Marin Soljacic (Chair)

Public Engagement

  • Status: Seeking additional members
  • Develops educational materials for use in outreach activities, such as classroom visits, and brainstorms opportunities for outreach (including festivals, museum exhibits, etc)
  • Time Commitment: One-hour meeting every 3-4 weeks and time spent developing materials (on volunteer basis)
  • Current Public Engagement Committee: Lina Necib (Chair), Gaia Grosso, Ge Yang, Sokratis Trifinopolous, Polina Abratenko, Tri Nguyen, Sneh Pandya, Sangeon Park, Marisa LaFleur
  • Past Public Engagement Committee: Carlos Argüelles-Delgado, Brent Nelson, Harold Erbin
  • Primary Contact: Email Lina Necib (Chair)

Community Building and Inclusion

  • Status: Accepting additional members
  • Brainstorms and plans community building events (such as coffee hours, social events, meet-ups, etc.)
  • Time Commitment: One-hour meeting per month and time spent helping with event setup occasionally
  • Current Community Building Committee: Tracy Slatyer (Chair), Fabian Ruehle, Alexander Gagliano, Jessie Micallef, Omar Alterkait, Ouail Kitouni, Marisa LaFleur
  • Past Community Building Committee: Matt Schwartz, Mike Williams, Mehmet Demirtas, Niklas Nolte
  • Primary Contact: Email Tracy Slatyer (Chair)

Early Career and Equity

  • Status: Will rotate membership in January 2024
  • View the ECEC expectations
  • Time Commitment: One-hour meeting per month and occasional email discussion
  • Current ECEC: Lisa Barsotti (Chair), Tess Smidt, Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, Jessie Micallef, Elyssa Hofgard, Zeviel Imani, Leo Yang, Marisa LaFleur
  • Past ECEC: Edo Berger, Tracy Slatyer, Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, Mehmet Demirtas, Harold Erbin, Katherine Fraser, Jasmine Gill, Anindita Maiti, Sean Benevedes, Rashmish Mishra
  • Primary Contact: Email Lisa Barsotti (Chair)

Speaker Selection

  • Status: Will rotate membership in Fall 2023
  • Identifies and invites speakers to the IAIFI Seminars and Colloquia and introduces speakers as needed
  • Time Commitment: One or two two-hour meetings every semester and attendance at talks
  • Current Speaker Selection Committee: Alexander Gagliano (Co-Chair), Gaia Grosso (Co-Chair), Dan Roberts, Ameya Shrikant Daigavane, Marisa LaFleur
  • Past Speaker Selection Committee: Di Luo, Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, Nayantara Mudur, Demba Ba, Cora Dvorkin, Arkopal Dutt
  • Primary Contacts: Email Alexander Gagliano or email Gaia Grosso

Summer School & Workshop

  • Status: Will rotate membership in Fall 2024
  • Plans and coordinates the IAIFI Summer School and Workshop, including identifying and inviting lecturers and plenary speakers, developing the schedule, and reviewing applicants to the Summer School
  • Time Commitment: One two-hour meeting every 2-3 months and time spent helping at the Summer School/Workshop
  • Current Summer School and Workshop Committee: Fabian Ruehle (Chair), Demba Ba, Alexander Gagliano, Di Luo, Sokratis Trifinopoulos, Polina Abratenko, Sneh Pandya, Yidi Qi, Manos Theodosis, Owen Dugan, Marisa LaFleur
  • Past Summer School and Workshop Committee: Jim Halverson, Shuchin Aeron, Tess Smidt, Denis Boyda, Anna Golubeva, Ouail Kitouni, Jeffrey Lazar, Peter Lu, Nayantara Mudur, Dylan Rankin
  • Primary Contact: Email Fabian Ruehle (Chair)


  • Status: Accepting new members
  • Provide feedback on and contribute to both internal and external communications to enhance the reach and impact of IAIFI in both physics and AI communities.
  • Time Commitment: One-hour meeting each month and time spent contributing to communications.
  • Current Communications Committee: Pulkit Agrawal (Chair), Tracy Slatyer, Cari Cesarotti, Richard Li, Marisa LaFleur
  • Past Communications Committee: Anna Golubeva
  • Primary Contact: Email Pulkit Agrawal (Chair)

Journal Club Organizers

  • Status: No additional organizers needed at this time, but sign up here to lead a Journal Club
  • Schedules and coordinates the IAIFI Journal Club and introduces Journal Club presenters
  • Time Commitment: One-hour meeting per semester, attendance at Journal Club every 1-2 weeks, and time spent inviting presenters
  • Current Journal Club Organizers: Sean Benevedes, Rikab Gambhir
  • Past Journal Club Organizers: Alexander Gagliano, John Martyn, Andrew Tan
  • Primary Contact: Email Sean Benevedes or Email Rikab Gambhir