IAIFI Astrophysics Papers


Unsupervised Searches for Cosmological Parity Violation: Improving Detection Power with the Neural Field Scattering Transform
Matthew Craigie, Peter L. Taylor, Yuan-Sen Ting, Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, Rossana Ruggeri, Tamara M. Davis
[ arXiv:2405.13083 ]

Abstract Recent studies using four-point correlations suggest a parity violation in the galaxy distribution, though the significance of these detections is sensitive to the choice of simulation used to model the noise properties of the galaxy distribution. In a recent paper, we introduce an unsupervised learning approach which offers an alternative method that avoids the dependence on mock catalogs, by learning parity violation directly from observational data. However, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model utilized by our previous unsupervised approach struggles to extend to more realistic scenarios where data is limited. We propose a novel method, the Neural Field Scattering Transform (NFST), which enhances the Wavelet Scattering Transform (WST) technique by adding trainable filters, parameterized as a neural field. We first tune the NFST model to detect parity violation in a simplified dataset, then compare its performance against WST and CNN benchmarks across varied training set sizes. We find the NFST can detect parity violation with 4× less data than the CNN and 32× less than the WST. Furthermore, in cases with limited data the NFST can detect parity violation with up to 6σ confidence, where the WST and CNN fail to make any detection. We identify that the added flexibility of the NFST, and particularly the ability to learn asymmetric filters, as well as the specific symmetries built into the NFST architecture, contribute to its improved performance over the benchmark models. We further demonstrate that the NFST is readily interpretable, which is valuable for physical applications such as the detection of parity violation.

Diffusion-HMC: Parameter Inference with Diffusion Model driven Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
Nayantara Mudur, Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, Douglas P. Finkbeiner
[ arXiv:2405.05255 ]

Abstract Diffusion generative models have excelled at diverse image generation and reconstruction tasks across fields. A less explored avenue is their application to discriminative tasks involving regression or classification problems. The cornerstone of modern cosmology is the ability to generate predictions for observed astrophysical fields from theory and constrain physical models from observations using these predictions. This work uses a single diffusion generative model to address these interlinked objectives -- as a surrogate model or emulator for cold dark matter density fields conditional on input cosmological parameters, and as a parameter inference model that solves the inverse problem of constraining the cosmological parameters of an input field. The model is able to emulate fields with summary statistics consistent with those of the simulated target distribution. We then leverage the approximate likelihood of the diffusion generative model to derive tight constraints on cosmology by using the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo method to sample the posterior on cosmological parameters for a given test image. Finally, we demonstrate that this parameter inference approach is more robust to the addition of noise than baseline parameter inference networks.

Probabilistic Forward Modeling of Galaxy Catalogs with Normalizing Flows
John Franklin Crenshaw, J. Bryce Kalmbach, Alexander Gagliano, Ziang Yan, Andrew J. Connolly, Alex I. Malz, Samuel J. Schmidt, The LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration
[ arXiv:2405.04740 ]

Abstract Evaluating the accuracy and calibration of the redshift posteriors produced by photometric redshift (photo-z) estimators is vital for enabling precision cosmology and extragalactic astrophysics with modern wide-field photometric surveys. Evaluating photo-z posteriors on a per-galaxy basis is difficult, however, as real galaxies have a true redshift but not a true redshift posterior. We introduce PZFlow, a Python package for the probabilistic forward modeling of galaxy catalogs with normalizing flows. For catalogs simulated with PZFlow, there is a natural notion of "true" redshift posteriors that can be used for photo-z validation. We use PZFlow to simulate a photometric galaxy catalog where each galaxy has a redshift, noisy photometry, shape information, and a true redshift posterior. We also demonstrate the use of an ensemble of normalizing flows for photo-z estimation. We discuss how PZFlow will be used to validate the photo-z estimation pipeline of the Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC), and the wider applicability of PZFlow for statistical modeling of any tabular data.

A Parameter-Masked Mock Data Challenge for Beyond-Two-Point Galaxy Clustering Statistics
Beyond-2pt Collaboration - Elisabeth Krause, Yosuke Kobayashi, Andrés N. Salcedo, Mikhail M. Ivanov, Tom Abel, Kazuyuki Akitsu, Raul E. Angulo, Giovanni Cabass, Sofia Contarini, Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, ChangHoon Hahn, Nico Hamaus, Donghui Jeong, Chirag Modi, Nhat-Minh Nguyen, Takahiro Nishimichi, Enrique Paillas, Marcos Pellejero Ibañez, Oliver H. E. Philcox, Alice Pisani, Fabian Schmidt, Satoshi Tanaka, Giovanni Verza, Sihan Yuan, Matteo Zennaro
[ arXiv:2405.02252 ]

Abstract The last few years have seen the emergence of a wide array of novel techniques for analyzing high-precision data from upcoming galaxy surveys, which aim to extend the statistical analysis of galaxy clustering data beyond the linear regime and the canonical two-point (2pt) statistics. We test and benchmark some of these new techniques in a community data challenge 'Beyond-2pt', initiated during the Aspen 2022 Summer Program 'Large-Scale Structure Cosmology beyond 2-Point Statistics,' whose first round of results we present here. The challenge dataset consists of high-precision mock galaxy catalogs for clustering in real space, redshift space, and on a light cone. Participants in the challenge have developed end-to-end pipelines to analyze mock catalogs and extract unknown ('masked') cosmological parameters of the underlying ΛCDM models with their methods. The methods represented are density-split clustering, nearest neighbor statistics, BACCO power spectrum emulator, void statistics, LEFTfield field-level inference using effective field theory (EFT), and joint power spectrum and bispectrum analyses using both EFT and simulation-based inference. In this work, we review the results of the challenge, focusing on problems solved, lessons learned, and future research needed to perfect the emerging beyond-2pt approaches. The unbiased parameter recovery demonstrated in this challenge by multiple statistics and the associated modeling and inference frameworks supports the credibility of cosmology constraints from these methods. The challenge data set is publicly available and we welcome future submissions from methods that are not yet represented.

Multi-filter UV to NIR Data-driven Light Curve Templates for Stripped Envelope Supernovae
Somayeh Khakpash, Federica B. Bianco, Maryam Modjaz, Willow F. Fortino, Alexander Gagliano, Conor Larison, Tyler A. Pritchard
[ arXiv:2405.01672 ]

Abstract While the spectroscopic classification scheme for Stripped envelope supernovae (SESNe) is clear, and we know that they originate from massive stars that lost some or all their envelopes of Hydrogen and Helium, the photometric evolution of classes within this family is not fully characterized. Photometric surveys, like the Vera C. Rubin Legacy Survey of Space and Time, will discover tens of thousands of transients each night and spectroscopic follow-up will be limited, prompting the need for photometric classification and inference based solely on photometry. We have generated 54 data-driven photometric templates for SESNe of subtypes IIb, Ib, Ic, Ic-bl, and Ibn in U/u, B, g, V, R/r, I/i, J, H, Ks, and Swift w2, m2, w1 bands using Gaussian Processes and a multi-survey dataset composed of all well-sampled open-access light curves (165 SESNe, 29531 data points) from the Open Supernova Catalog. We use our new templates to assess the photometric diversity of SESNe by comparing final per-band subtype templates with each other and with individual, unusual and prototypical SESNe. We find that SNe Ibns and Ic-bl exhibit a distinctly faster rise and decline compared to other subtypes. We also evaluate the behavior of SESNe in the PLAsTiCC and ELAsTiCC simulations of LSST light curves highlighting differences that can bias photometric classification models trained on the simulated light curves. Finally, we investigate in detail the behavior of fast-evolving SESNe (including SNe Ibn) and the implications of the frequently observed presence of two peaks in their light curves.

Learning Galaxy Intrinsic Alignment Correlations
Sneh Pandya, Yuanyuan Yang, Nicholas Van Alfen, Jonathan Blazek, Robin Walters
[ arXiv:2404.13702 ]

Abstract The intrinsic alignments (IA) of galaxies, regarded as a contaminant in weak lensing analyses, represents the correlation of galaxy shapes due to gravitational tidal interactions and galaxy formation processes. As such, understanding IA is paramount for accurate cosmological inferences from weak lensing surveys; however, one limitation to our understanding and mitigation of IA is expensive simulation-based modeling. In this work, we present a deep learning approach to emulate galaxy position-position (ξ), position-orientation (ω), and orientation-orientation (η) correlation function measurements and uncertainties from halo occupation distribution-based mock galaxy catalogs. We find strong Pearson correlation values with the model across all three correlation functions and further predict aleatoric uncertainties through a mean-variance estimation training procedure. ξ(r) predictions are generally accurate to ≤10%. Our model also successfully captures the underlying signal of the noisier correlations ω(r) and η(r), although with a lower average accuracy. We find that the model performance is inhibited by the stochasticity of the data, and will benefit from correlations averaged over multiple data realizations. Our code will be made open source upon journal publication.

Debiasing with Diffusion: Probabilistic reconstruction of Dark Matter fields from galaxies with CAMELS
Victoria Ono, Core Francisco Park, Nayantara Mudur, Yueying Ni, Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro
[ arXiv:2403.10648 ]

Abstract Galaxies are biased tracers of the underlying cosmic web, which is dominated by dark matter components that cannot be directly observed. Galaxy formation simulations can be used to study the relationship between dark matter density fields and galaxy distributions. However, this relationship can be sensitive to assumptions in cosmology and astrophysical processes embedded in the galaxy formation models, that remain uncertain in many aspects. In this work, we develop a diffusion generative model to reconstruct dark matter fields from galaxies. The diffusion model is trained on the CAMELS simulation suite that contains thousands of state-of-the-art galaxy formation simulations with varying cosmological parameters and sub-grid astrophysics. We demonstrate that the diffusion model can predict the unbiased posterior distribution of the underlying dark matter fields from the given stellar mass fields, while being able to marginalize over uncertainties in cosmological and astrophysical models. Interestingly, the model generalizes to simulation volumes approximately 500 times larger than those it was trained on, and across different galaxy formation models. Code for reproducing these results can be found at this https URL

Supernovae Time Profiles as a Probe of New Physics at Neutrino Telescopes
Jeff Lazar, Ying-Ying Li, Carlos A. Arguelles, Vedran Brdar
[ arXiv:2403.09781 ]

Abstract Neutrino telescopes, including IceCube, can detect galactic supernova events by observing the collective rise in photomultiplier count rates with a sub-second time resolution. Leveraging precise timing, we demonstrate the ability of neutrino telescopes to explore new weakly coupled states emitted from supernovae and subsequently decaying to neutrinos. Our approach utilizes publicly available packages, \texttt{ASTERIA} and \texttt{SNEWPY}, for simulating detector responses and parametrizing neutrino fluxes originating from Standard Model and new physics. We present results for two beyond the Standard Model scenarios and introduce the tool developed for testing a diverse range of new physics models.

PAPERCLIP: Associating Astronomical Observations and Natural Language with Multi-Modal Models
Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, Yiding Song, Jesse Thaler
[ arXiv:2403.08851 ]

Abstract We present PAPERCLIP (Proposal Abstracts Provide an Effective Representation for Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training), a method which associates astronomical observations imaged by telescopes with natural language using a neural network model. The model is fine-tuned from a pre-trained Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) model using successful observing proposal abstracts and corresponding downstream observations, with the abstracts optionally summarized via guided generation using large language models (LLMs). Using observations from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) as an example, we show that the fine-tuned model embodies a meaningful joint representation between observations and natural language through tests targeting image retrieval (i.e., finding the most relevant observations using natural language queries) and description retrieval (i.e., querying for astrophysical object classes and use cases most relevant to a given observation). Our study demonstrates the potential for using generalist foundation models rather than task-specific models for interacting with astronomical data by leveraging text as an interface.

Superphot+: Realtime Fitting and Classification of Supernova Light Curves
Kaylee M. de Soto (1), Ashley Villar (1), Edo Berger (1 and 2), Sebastian Gomez (3), Griffin Hosseinzadeh (4), Doug Branton (5), Sandro Campos (6), Melissa DeLucchi (6), Jeremy Kubica (6), Olivia Lynn (6), Konstantin Malanchev (6), Alex I. Malz (6) ((1) Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, (2) The NSF AI Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions, (3) Space Telescope Science Institute, (4) Steward Observatory | University of Arizona, (5) DiRAC Institute and the Department of Astronomy | University of Washington, (6) McWilliams Center for Cosmology | Department of Physics at Carnegie Mellon University)
[ arXiv:2403.07975 ]

Abstract Photometric classifications of supernova (SN) light curves have become necessary to utilize the full potential of large samples of observations obtained from wide-field photometric surveys, such as the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) and the Vera C. Rubin Observatory. Here, we present a photometric classifier for SN light curves that does not rely on redshift information and still maintains comparable accuracy to redshift-dependent classifiers. Our new package, Superphot+, uses a parametric model to extract meaningful features from multiband SN light curves. We train a gradient-boosted machine with fit parameters from 6,061 ZTF SNe that pass data quality cuts and are spectroscopically classified as one of five classes: SN Ia, SN II, SN Ib/c, SN IIn, and SLSN-I. Without redshift information, our classifier yields a class-averaged F1-score of 0.61 +/- 0.02 and a total accuracy of 0.83 +/- 0.01. Including redshift information improves these metrics to 0.71 +/- 0.02 and 0.88 +/- 0.01, respectively. We assign new class probabilities to 3,558 ZTF transients that show SN-like characteristics (based on the ALeRCE Broker light curve and stamp classifiers), but lack spectroscopic classifications. Finally, we compare our predicted SN labels with those generated by the ALeRCE light curve classifier, finding that the two classifiers agree on photometric labels for 82 +/- 2% of light curves with spectroscopic labels and 72% of light curves without spectroscopic labels. Superphot+ is currently classifying ZTF SNe in real time via the ANTARES Broker, and is designed for simple adaptation to six-band Rubin light curves in the future.

Full-shape analysis with simulation-based priors: constraints on single field inflation from BOSS
Mikhail M. Ivanov, Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, Andrej Obuljen, Michael W. Toomey
[ arXiv:2402.13310 ]

Abstract We present an efficient approach to set informative physically motivated priors for EFT-based full-shape analyses of galaxy survey data. We extract these priors from simulated galaxy catalogs based on halo occupation distribution (HOD) models. As a first step, we build a joint distribution between EFT galaxy bias and HOD parameters from a set of 10,500 HOD mock catalogs. We make use of the field level EFT technique that allows for cosmic variance cancellation, enabling a precision calibration of EFT parameters from computationally inexpensive small-volume simulations. As a second step, we use neural density estimators -- normalizing flows -- to model the marginal probability density of the EFT parameters, which can be used as a prior distribution in full shape analyses. As a first application, we use our HOD-based prior distribution in a new analysis of galaxy power spectra and bispectra from the BOSS survey in the context of single field primordial non-Gaussianity. We find that our approach leads to a reduction of the posterior volume of bias parameters by an order of magnitude. We also find fequilNL=650±310 and forthoNL=42±130 (at 68\% CL) in a combined two-template analysis, representing a ≈40% improvement in constraints on single field primordial non-Gaussianity, equivalent to doubling the survey volume.

LtU-ILI: An All-in-One Framework for Implicit Inference in Astrophysics and Cosmology
Matthew Ho, Deaglan J. Bartlett, Nicolas Chartier, Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, Simon Ding, Axel Lapel, Pablo Lemos, Christopher C. Lovell, T. Lucas Makinen, Chirag Modi, Viraj Pandya, Shivam Pandey, Lucia A. Perez, Benjamin Wandelt, Greg L. Bryan
The Open Journal of Astrophysics, 2024, Volume 7 [ arXiv:2402.05137 ]

Abstract This paper presents the Learning the Universe Implicit Likelihood Inference (LtU-ILI) pipeline, a codebase for rapid, user-friendly, and cutting-edge machine learning (ML) inference in astrophysics and cosmology. The pipeline includes software for implementing various neural architectures, training schema, priors, and density estimators in a manner easily adaptable to any research workflow. It includes comprehensive validation metrics to assess posterior estimate coverage, enhancing the reliability of inferred results. Additionally, the pipeline is easily parallelizable, designed for efficient exploration of modeling hyperparameters. To demonstrate its capabilities, we present real applications across a range of astrophysics and cosmology problems, such as: estimating galaxy cluster masses from X-ray photometry; inferring cosmology from matter power spectra and halo point clouds; characterising progenitors in gravitational wave signals; capturing physical dust parameters from galaxy colors and luminosities; and establishing properties of semi-analytic models of galaxy formation. We also include exhaustive benchmarking and comparisons of all implemented methods as well as discussions about the challenges and pitfalls of ML inference in astronomical sciences. All code and examples are made publicly available at this https URL: https://github.com/maho3/ltu-ili.

Equivariant Symmetry Breaking Sets
YuQing Xie, Tess Smidt
[ arXiv:2402.02681 ]

Abstract Equivariant neural networks (ENNs) have been shown to be extremely effective in applications involving underlying symmetries. By construction ENNs cannot produce lower symmetry outputs given a higher symmetry input. However, spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs in many physical systems and we may obtain a less symmetric stable state from an initial highly symmetric one. Hence, it is imperative that we understand how to systematically break symmetry in ENNs. In this work, we propose a novel symmetry breaking framework that is fully equivariant. We emphasize that our approach is general and applicable to equivariance under any group. To achieve this, we introduce the idea of symmetry breaking sets (SBS). Rather than redesign existing networks, we design sets of symmetry breaking objects which we feed into our network based on the symmetry of our inputs and outputs. We show there is a natural way to define equivariance on these sets, which gives an additional constraint. Minimizing the size of these sets equates to data efficiency. We prove that minimizing these sets translates to a well studied group theory problem, and tabulate solutions to this problem for the point groups. Finally, we provide some examples of symmetry breaking to demonstrate how our approach works in practice.

Substructure Detection in Realistic Strong Lensing Systems with Machine LearningSubstructure Detection in Realistic Strong Lensing Systems with Machine Learning
Arthur Tsang, Atınç Çağan Şengül, Cora Dvorkin
[ arXiv:2401.16624 ]

Abstract Tens of thousands of galaxy-galaxy strong lensing systems are expected to be discovered by the end of the decade. These will form a vast new dataset that can be used to probe subgalactic dark matter structures through its gravitational effects, which will in turn allow us to study the nature of dark matter at small length scales. This work shows how we can leverage machine learning to search through the data and identify which systems are most likely to contain dark matter substructure and thus can be studied in greater depth. We use a UNet, an image segmentation architecture, on a simulated strongly-lensed dataset with realistic sources (COSMOS galaxies), lenses (power-law elliptical profiles with multipoles and external shear), and noise. Our machine learning algorithm is able to quickly detect most substructure at high image resolution and subhalo concentration. At a false positive rate of 10%, we are able to identify systems with substructure at a true positive rate of 71% for a subhalo mass range of 109-109.5M⊙. While recent detections are consistent with higher concentrations, we find that our algorithm fails at detecting subhalos with lower concentrations (expected from ΛCDM simulations).

Unsupervised Machine Learning for the Classification of Astrophysical X-ray Sources
Víctor Samuel Pérez-Díaz, Juan Rafael Martínez-Galarza, Alexander Caicedo, Raffaele D’Abrusco
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2024, Volume 528, Issue 3 [ arXiv:2401.12203 ]

Abstract The automatic classification of X-ray detections is a necessary step in extracting astrophysical information from compiled catalogs of astrophysical sources. Classification is useful for the study of individual objects, statistics for population studies, as well as for anomaly detection, i.e., the identification of new unexplored phenomena, including transients and spectrally extreme sources. Despite the importance of this task, classification remains challenging in X-ray astronomy due to the lack of optical counterparts and representative training sets. We develop an alternative methodology that employs an unsupervised machine learning approach to provide probabilistic classes to Chandra Source Catalog sources with a limited number of labeled sources, and without ancillary information from optical and infrared catalogs. We provide a catalog of probabilistic classes for 8,756 sources, comprising a total of 14,507 detections, and demonstrate the success of the method at identifying emission from young stellar objects, as well as distinguishing between small-scale and large-scale compact accretors with a significant level of confidence. We investigate the consistency between the distribution of features among classified objects and well-established astrophysical hypotheses such as the unified AGN model. This provides interpretability to the probabilistic classifier. Code and tables are available publicly through GitHub. We provide a web playground for readers to explore our final classification at https://umlcaxs-playground.streamlit.app.

A Physics-Informed Variational Autoencoder for Rapid Galaxy Inference and Anomaly Detection
Alexander Gagliano, V. Ashley Villar
[ arXiv:2312.16687 ]

Abstract The Vera C. Rubin Observatory is slated to observe nearly 20 billion galaxies during its decade-long Legacy Survey of Space and Time. The rich imaging data it collects will be an invaluable resource for probing galaxy evolution across cosmic time, characterizing the host galaxies of transient phenomena, and identifying novel populations of anomalous systems. To facilitate these studies, we introduce a convolutional variational autoencoder trained to estimate the redshift, stellar mass, and star-formation rates of galaxies from multi-band imaging data. We train and test our physics-informed CVAE on a spectroscopic sample of ∼26,000 galaxies within z<1 imaged through the Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey. We show that our model can infer redshift and stellar mass more accurately than the latest image-based self-supervised learning approaches, and is >100x faster than more computationally-intensive SED-fitting techniques. Using a small sample of Green Pea and Red Spiral galaxies reported in the literature, we further demonstrate how this CVAE can be used to rapidly identify rare galaxy populations and interpret what makes them unique.

Cosmological Field Emulation and Parameter Inference with Diffusion Models
Nayantara Mudur, Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, Douglas P. Finkbeiner
[ arXiv:2312.07534 ]

Abstract Cosmological simulations play a crucial role in elucidating the effect of physical parameters on the statistics of fields and on constraining parameters given information on density fields. We leverage diffusion generative models to address two tasks of importance to cosmology -- as an emulator for cold dark matter density fields conditional on input cosmological parameters Ωm and σ8, and as a parameter inference model that can return constraints on the cosmological parameters of an input field. We show that the model is able to generate fields with power spectra that are consistent with those of the simulated target distribution, and capture the subtle effect of each parameter on modulations in the power spectrum. We additionally explore their utility as parameter inference models and find that we can obtain tight constraints on cosmological parameters.

What does cosmology teach us about non-gravitational properties of dark matter?
Tracy R. Slatyer
Nuclear Physics B, 2024, Volume 1003 [ ]

Abstract Cosmological observations provide our most robust evidence for dark matter that is (approximately) collisionless and cold, and furthermore can provide powerful tests of the non-gravitational properties of dark matter. There are exciting prospects for significant experimental/observational progress in the coming years. In particular, current experiments are targeting a first confirmed detection of primordial 21 cm radiation and a measurement of its power spectrum, which would open a new observational window on the end of the cosmic dark ages and cosmic dawn. On a longer timescale, there are proposed missions that could improve our measurements of the energy spectrum of the cosmic microwave background radiation by 3+ orders of magnitude, providing a new physical probe of the thermal history of the universe up to keV temperatures. In this contribution, I will discuss how signals from dark matter interactions with Standard Model particles, in particular through annihilation and decay of particle-like dark matter, could appear in these observables, and recent improvements in their theoretical modeling. There are existing stringent and broadly applicable limits on annihilating and decaying dark matter (especially at sub-GeV mass scales) from the cosmic microwave background, and complementary and competitive bounds from the Lyman-α forest for leptonically decaying light dark matter. I will outline how energy injections that are not currently excluded could change the conditions of the early universe, impact the formation of the first stars and black hole seeds, and imprint signals in the cosmological background radiation.

Learning an Effective Evolution Equation for Particle-Mesh Simulations Across Cosmologies
Nicolas Payot, Pablo Lemos, Laurence Perreault-Levasseur, Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, Chirag Modi, Yashar Hezaveh
[ arXiv:2311.18017 ]

Abstract Particle-mesh simulations trade small-scale accuracy for speed compared to traditional, computationally expensive N-body codes in cosmological simulations. In this work, we show how a data-driven model could be used to learn an effective evolution equation for the particles, by correcting the errors of the particle-mesh potential incurred on small scales during simulations. We find that our learnt correction yields evolution equations that generalize well to new, unseen initial conditions and cosmologies. We further demonstrate that the resulting corrected maps can be used in a simulation-based inference framework to yield an unbiased inference of cosmological parameters. The model, a network implemented in Fourier space, is exclusively trained on the particle positions and velocities.

A point cloud approach to generative modeling for galaxy surveys at the field level
Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, Siddharth Mishra-Sharma
[ arXiv:2311.17141 ]

Abstract We introduce a diffusion-based generative model to describe the distribution of galaxies in our Universe directly as a collection of points in 3-D space (coordinates) optionally with associated attributes (e.g., velocities and masses), without resorting to binning or voxelization. The custom diffusion model can be used both for emulation, reproducing essential summary statistics of the galaxy distribution, as well as inference, by computing the conditional likelihood of a galaxy field. We demonstrate a first application to massive dark matter haloes in the Quijote simulation suite. This approach can be extended to enable a comprehensive analysis of cosmological data, circumventing limitations inherent to summary statistic -- as well as neural simulation-based inference methods.

Probabilistic reconstruction of Dark Matter fields from biased tracers using diffusion models
Core Francisco Park, Victoria Ono, Nayantara Mudur, Yueying Ni, Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro
[ arXiv:2311.08558 ]

Abstract Galaxies are biased tracers of the underlying cosmic web, which is dominated by dark matter components that cannot be directly observed. The relationship between dark matter density fields and galaxy distributions can be sensitive to assumptions in cosmology and astrophysical processes embedded in the galaxy formation models, that remain uncertain in many aspects. Based on state-of-the-art galaxy formation simulation suites with varied cosmological parameters and sub-grid astrophysics, we develop a diffusion generative model to predict the unbiased posterior distribution of the underlying dark matter fields from the given stellar mass fields, while being able to marginalize over the uncertainties in cosmology and galaxy formation.

Pairing-based graph neural network for simulating quantum materials
Di Luo, David D. Dai, Liang Fu
[ arXiv:2311.02143 ]

Abstract We introduce a pairing-based graph neural network, GemiNet, for simulating quantum many-body systems. Our architecture augments a BCS mean-field wavefunction with a generalized pair amplitude parameterized by a graph neural network. Variational Monte Carlo with GemiNet simultaneously provides an accurate, flexible, and scalable method for simulating many-electron systems. We apply GemiNet to two-dimensional semiconductor electron-hole bilayers and obtain highly accurate results on a variety of interaction-induced phases, including the exciton Bose-Einstein condensate, electron-hole superconductor, and bilayer Wigner crystal. Our study demonstrates the potential of physically-motivated neural network wavefunctions for quantum materials simulations.

E(2) Equivariant Neural Networks for Robust Galaxy Morphology Classification
Sneh Pandya, Purvik Patel, Franc O, Jonathan Blazek
[ arXiv:2311.01500 | code ]

Abstract We propose the use of group convolutional neural network architectures (GCNNs) equivariant to the 2D Euclidean group, E(2), for the task of galaxy morphology classification by utilizing symmetries of the data present in galaxy images as an inductive bias in the architecture. We conduct robustness studies by introducing artificial perturbations via Poisson noise insertion and one-pixel adversarial attacks to simulate the effects of limited observational capabilities. We train, validate, and test GCNNs equivariant to discrete subgroups of E(2) - the cyclic and dihedral groups of order N - on the Galaxy10 DECals dataset and find that GCNNs achieve higher classification accuracy and are consistently more robust than their non-equivariant counterparts, with an architecture equivariant to the group D16 achieving a 95.52±0.18% test-set accuracy. We also find that the model loses <6% accuracy on a 50%-noise dataset and all GCNNs are less susceptible to one-pixel perturbations than an identically constructed CNN..

Precise Cosmological Constraints from BOSS Galaxy Clustering with a Simulation-Based Emulator of the Wavelet Scattering Transform
Georgios Valogiannis, Sihan Yuan, Cora Dvorkin
Physical Review D 2024, Volume 109, Issue 10 [ arXiv:2310.16116 ]

Abstract We perform a reanalysis of the BOSS CMASS DR12 galaxy dataset using a simulation-based emulator for the Wavelet Scattering Transform (WST) coefficients. Moving beyond our previous works, which laid the foundation for the first galaxy clustering application of this estimator, we construct a neural net-based emulator for the cosmological dependence of the WST coefficients and the 2-point correlation function multipoles, trained from the state-of-the-art suite of extsc{AbacusSummit} simulations combined with a flexible Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) galaxy model. In order to confirm the accuracy of our pipeline, we subject it to a series of thorough internal and external mock parameter recovery tests, before applying it to reanalyze the CMASS observations in the redshift range 0.46<z<0.57. We find that a joint WST + 2-point correlation function likelihood analysis allows us to obtain marginalized 1σ errors on the ΛCDM parameters that are tighter by a factor of 2.5−6, compared to the 2-point correlation function, and by a factor of 1.4−2.5 compared to the WST-only results. This corresponds to a competitive 0.9%, 2.3% and 1% level of determination for parameters ωc, σ8 & ns, respectively, and also to a 0.7% & 2.5% constraint on derived parameters h and f(z)σ8(z), in agreement with the extit{Planck} 2018 results. Our results reaffirm the constraining power of the WST and highlight the exciting prospect of employing higher-order statistics in order to fully exploit the power of upcoming Stage-IV spectroscopic observations.

Cosmological constraints from density-split clustering in the BOSS CMASS galaxy sample
Enrique Paillas, Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, Will J. Percival, Seshadri Nadathur, Yan-Chuan Cai, Sihan Yuan, Florian Beutler, Arnaud de Mattia, Daniel Eisenstein, Daniel Forero-Sanchez, Nelson Padilla, Mathilde Pinon, Vanina Ruhlmann-Kleider, Ariel G. Sánchez, Georgios Valogiannis, Pauline Zarrouk
[ arXiv:2309.16541 ]

Abstract We present a clustering analysis of the BOSS DR12 CMASS galaxy sample, combining measurements of the galaxy two-point correlation function and density-split clustering down to a scale of 1h−1Mpc. Our theoretical framework is based on emulators trained on high-fidelity mock galaxy catalogues that forward model the cosmological dependence of the clustering statistics within an extended-ΛCDM framework, including redshift-space and Alcock-Paczynski distortions. Our base-ΛCDM analysis finds ωcdm=0.1201±0.0022, σ8=0.792±0.034, and ns=0.970±0.018, corresponding to fσ8=0.462±0.020 at z≈0.525, which is in agreement with Planck 2018 predictions and various clustering studies in the literature. We test single-parameter extensions to base-ΛCDM, varying the running of the spectral index, the dark energy equation of state, and the density of massless relic neutrinos, finding no compelling evidence for deviations from the base model. We model the galaxy-halo connection using a halo occupation distribution framework, finding signatures of environment-based assembly bias in the data. We validate our pipeline against mock catalogues that match the clustering and selection properties of CMASS, showing that we can recover unbiased cosmological constraints even with a volume 84 times larger than the one used in this study.

SUNBIRD: A simulation-based model for full-shape density-split clustering
Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, Enrique Paillas, Sihan Yuan, Yan-Chuan Cai, Seshadri Nadathur, Will J. Percival, Florian Beutler, Arnaud de Mattia, Daniel Eisenstein, Daniel Forero-Sanchez, Nelson Padilla, Mathilde Pinon, Vanina Ruhlmann-Kleider, Ariel G. Sánchez, Georgios Valogiannis, Pauline Zarrouk
[ arXiv:2309.16539 ]

Abstract Combining galaxy clustering information from regions of different environmental densities can help break cosmological parameter degeneracies and access non-Gaussian information from the density field that is not readily captured by the standard two-point correlation function (2PCF) analyses. However, modelling these density-dependent statistics down to the non-linear regime has so far remained challenging. We present a simulation-based model that is able to capture the cosmological dependence of the full shape of the density-split clustering (DSC) statistics down to intra-halo scales. Our models are based on neural-network emulators that are trained on high-fidelity mock galaxy catalogues within an extended-ΛCDM framework, incorporating the effects of redshift-space, Alcock-Paczynski distortions and models of the halo-galaxy connection. Our models reach sub-percent level accuracy down to 1h−1Mpc and are robust against different choices of galaxy-halo connection modelling. When combined with the galaxy 2PCF, DSC can tighten the constraints on ωcdm, σ8, and ns by factors of 2.9, 1.9, and 2.1, respectively, compared to a 2PCF-only analysis. DSC additionally puts strong constraints on environment-based assembly bias parameters. Our code is made publicly available on Github.

Simulation-based Inference for Exoplanet Atmospheric Retrieval: Insights from winning the Ariel Data Challenge 2023 using Normalizing Flows
Mayeul Aubin, Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, Ethan Tregidga, Javier Viaña, Cecilia Garraffo, Iouli E. Gordon, Mercedes López-Morales, Robert J. Hargreaves, Vladimir Yu. Makhnev, Jeremy J. Drake, Douglas P. Finkbeiner, Phillip Cargile
[ arXiv:2309.09337 ]

Abstract Advancements in space telescopes have opened new avenues for gathering vast amounts of data on exoplanet atmosphere spectra. However, accurately extracting chemical and physical properties from these spectra poses significant challenges due to the non-linear nature of the underlying physics. This paper presents novel machine learning models developed by the AstroAI team for the Ariel Data Challenge 2023, where one of the models secured the top position among 293 competitors. Leveraging Normalizing Flows, our models predict the posterior probability distribution of atmospheric parameters under different atmospheric assumptions. Moreover, we introduce an alternative model that exhibits higher performance potential than the winning model, despite scoring lower in the challenge. These findings highlight the need to reevaluate the evaluation metric and prompt further exploration of more efficient and accurate approaches for exoplanet atmosphere spectra analysis. Finally, we present recommendations to enhance the challenge and models, providing valuable insights for future applications on real observational data. These advancements pave the way for more effective and timely analysis of exoplanet atmospheric properties, advancing our understanding of these distant worlds.

Subhalo effective density slope measurements from HST strong lensing data with neural likelihood-ratio estimation
Gemma Zhang, Atınç Çağan Şengül, Cora Dvorkin
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2024, Volume 527, Issue 2 [ arXiv:2308.09739 ]

Abstract Examining the properties of subhalos with strong gravitational lensing images can shed light on the nature of dark matter. From upcoming large-scale surveys, we expect to discover orders of magnitude more strong lens systems that can be used for subhalo studies. To optimally extract information from a large number of strong lensing images, machine learning provides promising avenues for efficient analysis that is unachievable with traditional analysis methods, but application of machine learning techniques to real observations is still limited. We build upon previous work, which uses a neural likelihood-ratio estimator, to constrain the effective density slopes of subhalos and demonstrate the feasibility of this method on real strong lensing observations. To do this, we implement significant improvements to the forward simulation pipeline and undertake careful model evaluation using simulated images. Ultimately, we use our trained model to predict the effective subhalo density slope from combining a set of strong lensing images taken by the extit{Hubble Space Telescope}. We found the subhalo slope measurement of this set of observations to be steeper than the slope predictions of cold dark matter subhalos. Our result adds to several previous works that also measured high subhalo slopes in observations. Although a possible explanation for this is that subhalos with steeper slopes are easier to detect due to selection effects and thus contribute to statistical bias, our result nevertheless points to the need for careful analysis of more strong lensing observations from future surveys.

Data Compression and Inference in Cosmology with Self-Supervised Machine Learning
Aizhan Akhmetzhanova, Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, Cora Dvorkin
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023, Volume 527, Issue 3 [ arXiv:2308.09751 ]

Abstract The influx of massive amounts of data from current and upcoming cosmological surveys necessitates compression schemes that can efficiently summarize the data with minimal loss of information. We introduce a method that leverages the paradigm of self-supervised machine learning in a novel manner to construct representative summaries of massive datasets using simulation-based augmentations. Deploying the method on hydrodynamical cosmological simulations, we show that it can deliver highly informative summaries, which can be used for a variety of downstream tasks, including precise and accurate parameter inference. We demonstrate how this paradigm can be used to construct summary representations that are insensitive to prescribed systematic effects, such as the influence of baryonic physics. Our results indicate that self-supervised machine learning techniques offer a promising new approach for compression of cosmological data as well its analysis.

An Extensive Hubble Space Telescope Study of the Offset and Host Light Distributions of Type I Superluminous Supernovae
Brian Hsu, Peter K. Blanchard, Edo Berger, Sebastian Gomez
The Astrophysical Journal 2024, Volume 961, Number 2 [ arXiv:2308.07271 ]

Abstract We present an extensive Hubble Space Telescope (HST) rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) imaging study of the locations of Type I superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) within their host galaxies. The sample includes 65 SLSNe with detected host galaxies in the redshift range z≈0.05−2. Using precise astrometric matching with SN images, we determine the distributions of physical and host-normalized offsets relative to the host centers, as well as the fractional flux distribution relative to the underlying UV light distribution. We find that the host-normalized offsets of SLSNe roughly track an exponential disk profile, but exhibit an overabundance of sources with large offsets of 1.5−4 times their host half-light radius. The SLSNe normalized offsets are systematically larger than those of long gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs), and even Type Ib/c and II SNe. Furthermore, we find that about 40\% of all SLSNe occur in the dimmest regions of their host galaxies (fractional flux of 0), in stark contrast to LGRBs and Type Ib/c and II SNe. We do not detect any significant trends in the locations of SLSNe as a function of redshift, or as a function of explosion and magnetar engine parameters inferred from modeling of their optical lights curves. The significant difference in SLSN locations compared to LGRBs (and normal core-collapse SNe) suggests that at least some of their progenitors follow a different evolutionary path. We speculate that SLSNe arise from massive runaway stars from disrupted binary systems, with velocities of ∼102 km s−1.

A Parsec-Scale Galactic 3D Dust Map out to 1.25 kpc from the Sun
Gordian Edenhofer, Catherine Zucker, Philipp Frank, Andrew K. Saydjari, Joshua S. Speagle, Douglas Finkbeiner, Torsten Enßlin
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Forthcoming article, 2024, Section Interstellar and circumstellar matter [ arXiv:2308.01295 ]

Abstract High-resolution 3D maps of interstellar dust are critical for probing the underlying physics shaping the structure of the interstellar medium, and for foreground correction of astrophysical observations affected by dust. We aim to construct a new 3D map of the spatial distribution of interstellar dust extinction out to a distance of 1.25 kpc from the Sun. We leverage distance and extinction estimates to 54 million nearby stars derived from the Gaia BP/RP spectra. Using the stellar distance and extinction information, we infer the spatial distribution of dust extinction. We model the logarithmic dust extinction with a Gaussian Process in a spherical coordinate system via Iterative Charted Refinement and a correlation kernel inferred in previous work. We probe our 661 million dimensional posterior distribution using the variational inference method MGVI. Our 3D dust map achieves an angular resolution of 14' (Nside = 256). We sample the dust extinction in 516 distance bins spanning 69 pc to 1250 pc. We obtain a maximum distance resolution of 0.4 pc at 69 pc and a minimum distance resolution of 7 pc at 1.25 kpc. Our map resolves the internal structure of hundreds of molecular clouds in the solar neighborhood and will be broadly useful for studies of star formation, Galactic structure, and young stellar populations.

From Discovery to the First Month of the Type II Supernova 2023ixf: High and Variable Mass Loss in the Final Year before Explosion
Daichi Hiramatsu, Daichi Tsuna, Edo Berger, Koichi Itagaki, Jared A. Goldberg, Sebastian Gomez, Kishalay De, Griffin Hosseinzadeh, K. Azalee Bostroem, Peter J. Brown, Iair Arcavi, Allyson Bieryla, Peter K. Blanchard, Gilbert A. Esquerdo, Joseph Farah, D. Andrew Howell, Tatsuya Matsumoto, Curtis McCully, Megan Newsome, Estefania Padilla Gonzalez, Craig Pellegrino, Jaehyon Rhee, Giacomo Terreran, József Vinkó, J. Craig Wheeler
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 2023, Volume 955, Number 1 [ arXiv:2307.03165 ]

Abstract We present the discovery of the Type II supernova SN 2023ixf in M101 and follow-up photometric and spectroscopic observations, respectively, in the first month and week of its evolution. Our discovery was made within a day of estimated first light, and the following light curve is characterized by a rapid rise (≈5 days) to a luminous peak (MV≈−18.2 mag) and plateau (MV≈−17.6 mag) extending to 30 days with a fast decline rate of ≈0.03 mag day−1. During the rising phase, U−V color shows blueward evolution, followed by redward evolution in the plateau phase. Prominent flash features of hydrogen, helium, carbon, and nitrogen dominate the spectra up to ≈5 days after first light, with a transition to a higher ionization state in the first ≈2 days. Both the U−V color and flash ionization states suggest a rise in the temperature, indicative of a delayed shock breakout inside dense circumstellar material (CSM). From the timescales of CSM interaction, we estimate its compact radial extent of ∼(3−7)×1014 cm. We then construct numerical light-curve models based on both continuous and eruptive mass-loss scenarios shortly before explosion. For the continuous mass-loss scenario, we infer a range of mass-loss history with 0.1−1.0M⊙yr−1 in the final 2−1 yr before explosion, with a potentially decreasing mass loss of 0.01−0.1M⊙yr−1 in ∼0.7−0.4 yr toward the explosion. For the eruptive mass-loss scenario, we favor eruptions releasing 0.3−1M⊙ of the envelope at about a year before explosion, which result in CSM with mass and extent similar to the continuous scenario. We discuss the implications of the available multiwavelength constraints obtained thus far on the progenitor candidate and SN 2023ixf to our variable CSM models.

SN2023ixf in Messier 101: A Variable Red Supergiant as the Progenitor Candidate to a Type II Supernova
Charles D. Kilpatrick, Ryan J. Foley, Wynn V. Jacobson-Galán, Anthony L. Piro, Stephen J. Smartt, Maria R. Drout, Alexander Gagliano, Christa Gall, Jens Hjorth, David O. Jones, Kaisey S. Mandel, Raffaella Margutti, Conor L. Ransome, V. Ashley Villar, David A. Coulter, Hua Gao, David Jacob Matthews, Yossef Zenati
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2023, Volume 952, Number 1 [ arXiv:2306.04722 ]

Abstract We present pre-explosion optical and infrared (IR) imaging at the site of the type II supernova (SN II) 2023ixf in Messier 101 at 6.9 Mpc. We astrometrically registered a ground-based image of SN 2023ixf to archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST), Spitzer Space Telescope (Spitzer), and ground-based near-IR images. A single point source is detected at a position consistent with the SN at wavelengths ranging from HST R-band to Spitzer 4.5 μm. Fitting to blackbody and red supergiant (RSG) spectral-energy distributions (SEDs), we find that the source is anomalously cool with a significant mid-IR excess. We interpret this SED as reprocessed emission in a 8600 R⊙ circumstellar shell of dusty material with a mass ∼5×10−5M⊙ surrounding a log(L/L⊙)=4.74±0.07 and Teff=3920+200−160 K RSG. This luminosity is consistent with RSG models of initial mass 11 M⊙, depending on assumptions of rotation and overshooting. In addition, the counterpart was significantly variable in pre-explosion Spitzer 3.6 μm and 4.5 μm imaging, exhibiting ∼70% variability in both bands correlated across 9 yr and 29 epochs of imaging. The variations appear to have a timescale of 2.8 yr, which is consistent with κ-mechanism pulsations observed in RSGs, albeit with a much larger amplitude than RSGs such as α Orionis (Betelgeuse).

Multiple Peaks and a Long Precursor in the Type IIn Supernova 2021qqp: An Energetic Explosion in a Complex Circumstellar Environment
Daichi Hiramatsu, Tatsuya Matsumoto, Edo Berger, Conor Ransome, V. Ashley Villar, Sebastian Gomez, Yvette Cendes, Kishalay De, K. Azalee Bostroem, Joseph Farah, D. Andrew Howell, Curtis McCully, Megan Newsome, Estefania Padilla Gonzalez, Craig Pellegrino, Akihiro Suzuki, Giacomo Terreran
The Astrophysical Journal, 2024, Volume 964, Number 2 [ arXiv:2305.11168 ]

Abstract We present optical photometry and spectroscopy of the Type IIn supernova (SN) 2021qqp. Its unusual light curve is marked by a long precursor for ≈300 days, a rapid increase in brightness for ≈60 days, and then a sharp increase of ≈1.6 mag in only a few days to a first peak of Mr≈−19.5 mag. The light curve then declines rapidly until it re-brightens to a second distinct peak of Mr≈−17.3 mag centered at ≈335 days after the first peak. The spectra are dominated by Balmer lines with a complex morphology, including a narrow component with a width of ≈1300 km s−1 (first peak) and ≈2500 km s−1 (second peak) that we associate with the circumstellar medium (CSM) and a P Cygni component with an absorption velocity of ≈8500 km s−1 (first peak) and ≈5600 km s−1 (second peak) that we associate with the SN-CSM interaction shell. Using the luminosity and velocity evolution, we construct a flexible analytical model, finding two significant mass-loss episodes with peak mass loss rates of ≈10 and ≈5M⊙ yr−1 about 0.8 and 2 yr before explosion, respectively, with a total CSM mass of ≈2−4M⊙. We show that the most recent mass-loss episode could explain the precursor for the year preceding the explosion. The SN ejecta mass is constrained to be ≈5−30M⊙ for an explosion energy of ≈(3−10)×1051 erg. We discuss eruptive massive stars (luminous blue variable, pulsational pair instability) and an extreme stellar merger with a compact object as possible progenitor channels.

First Impressions: Early-Time Classification of Supernovae using Host Galaxy Information and Shallow Learning
Alexander Gagliano, Gabriella Contardo, Daniel Foreman-Mackey, Alex I. Malz, Patrick D. Aleo
[ arXiv:2305.08894 ]

Abstract Substantial effort has been devoted to the characterization of transient phenomena from photometric information. Automated approaches to this problem have taken advantage of complete phase-coverage of an event, limiting their use for triggering rapid follow-up of ongoing phenomena. In this work, we introduce a neural network with a single recurrent layer designed explicitly for early photometric classification of supernovae. Our algorithm leverages transfer learning to account for model misspecification, host galaxy photometry to solve the data scarcity problem soon after discovery, and a custom weighted loss to prioritize accurate early classification. We first train our algorithm using state-of-the-art transient and host galaxy simulations, then adapt its weights and validate it on the spectroscopically-confirmed SNe Ia, SNe II, and SNe Ib/c from the Zwicky Transient Facility Bright Transient Survey. On observed data, our method achieves an overall accuracy of 82±2% within 3 days of an events discovery, and an accuracy of 87±5% within 30 days of discovery. At both early and late phases, our method achieves comparable or superior results to the leading classification algorithms with a simpler network architecture. These results help pave the way for rapid photometric and spectroscopic follow-up of scientifically-valuable transients discovered in massive synoptic surveys.

The dark matter profile of the Milky Way inferred from its circular velocity curve
Xiaowei Ou, Anna-Christina Eilers, Lina Necib, Anna Frebel
[ arXiv:2303.12838 ]

Abstract All galaxies are formed within dark matter halos, the nature of which is yet to be understood. The circular velocity curve, one of the first pieces of evidence for dark matter, is a direct probe of the Galaxy's potential, which allows studies of the nature of these dark matter halos. Recent large surveys have provided valuable information for determining the Milky Way circular velocity curve. In this study, we derive precise parallaxes for 120,309 stars with a data-driven model, using APOGEE DR17 spectra combined with photometry measurements from Gaia, 2MASS, and WISE. We measure the circular velocity curve of the Milky Way out to ∼30 kpc, and use it to provide an updated model of the dark matter density profile. We find a significantly faster decline in the circular velocity curve at outer galactic radii. To address this decline, we find that a cored Einasto profile with slope parameter 1.13+0.06−0.06 is a better fit to the data than a generalized or contracted Navarro-Frank-White (NFW), as was argued in previous studies. The virial mass of the best-fit dark matter halo is 1.50+0.04−0.04×1011 M⊙, significantly lower than that from a generalized NFW profile, but the corresponding local dark matter density at the solar position is 0.425+0.004−0.004 GeV cm−3, consistent with the literature. We additionally find the J-factor for annihilating dark matter at a 15∘ view angle towards the galactic centre is 9.96+0.64−0.57×1022 GeV2 cm−5, ∼8% of the value found from a standard NFW profile used in the literature. Our results further demonstrate the capability of the circular velocity curve, especially in light of the recent wave of data, in constraining the Milky Way's dark matter halo.

Via Machinae 2.0: Full-Sky, Model-Agnostic Search for Stellar Streams in Gaia DR2
David Shih, Matthew R. Buckley, Lina Necib
[ arXiv:2303.01529 ]

Abstract We present an update to Via Machinae, an automated stellar stream-finding algorithm based on the deep learning anomaly detector ANODE. Via Machinae identifies stellar streams within Gaia, using only angular positions, proper motions, and photometry, without reference to a model of the Milky Way potential for orbit integration or stellar distances. This new version, Via Machinae 2.0, includes many improvements and refinements to nearly every step of the algorithm, that altogether result in more robust and visually distinct stream candidates than our original formulation. In this work, we also provide a quantitative estimate of the false positive rate of Via Machinae 2.0 by applying it to a simulated Gaia-mock catalog based on Galaxia, a smooth model of the Milky Way that does not contain substructure or stellar streams. Finally, we perform the first full-sky search for stellar streams with Via Machinae 2.0, identifying 102 streams at high significance within the Gaia Data Release 2, of which only 10 have been previously identified. While follow-up observations for further confirmation are required, taking into account the false positive rate presented in this work, we expect approximately 90 of these stream candidates to correspond to real stellar structures.

Learning Silhouettes with Group Sparse Autoencoders
Emmanouil Theodosis and Demba Ba
Harvard CRISP Preprint [ ]

Abstract Sparse coding has been extensively used in neuroscience to model brain-like computation by drawing analogues between neurons’ firing activity and the nonzero elements of sparse vectors. Contemporary deep learning architectures have been used to model neural activity, inspired by signal processing algorithms; however sparse coding architectures are not able to explain the higher-order categorization that has been em- pirically observed at the neural level. In this work, we pro- pose a novel model-based architecture, termed group-sprase autoencoder, that produces sparse activity patterns in line with neural modeling, but showcases a higher-level order in its ac- tivation maps. We evaluate a dense model of our architecture on MNIST and CIFAR-10 and show that it learns dictionar- ies that resemble silhouettes of the given class, while its ac- tivations have a significantly higher level order compared to sparse architectures.

First demonstration of neural sensing and control in a kilometer-scale gravitational wave observatory
Nikhil Mukund, James Lough, Aparna Bisht, Holger Wittel, Séverin Landry Nadji, Christoph Affeldt, Fabio Bergamin, Marc Brinkmann, Volker Kringel, Harald Lück, Michael Weinert, Karsten Danzmann
Physical Review Applied, 2023, Volume 20, Issue 6 [ arXiv:2301.06221 ]

Abstract Suspended optics in gravitational wave (GW) observatories are susceptible to alignment perturbations, particularly slow drifts over time, due to variations in temperature and seismic levels. Such misalignments affect the coupling of the incident laser beam into the optical cavities, degrade both circulating power and optomechanical photon squeezing and thus decrease the astrophysical sensitivity to merging binaries. Traditional alignment techniques involve differential wavefront sensing using multiple quadrant photodiodes but are often restricted in bandwidth and are limited by the sensing noise. We present the first-ever successful implementation of neural network-based sensing and control at a gravitational wave observatory and demonstrate low-frequency control of the signal recycling mirror at the GEO 600 detector. Alignment information for three critical optics is simultaneously extracted from the interferometric dark port camera images via a CNN-LSTM network architecture and is then used for MIMO control using soft actor-critic-based deep reinforcement learning. Overall sensitivity improvement achieved using our scheme demonstrates deep learning's capabilities as a viable tool for real-time sensing and control for current and next-generation GW interferometers.

Non-parametric Lagrangian biasing from the insights of neural nets
Xiaohan Wu, Julian B. Munoz, Daniel J. Eisenstein
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2023, Volume 2023 [ arXiv:2212.08095 ]

Abstract We present a Lagrangian model of galaxy clustering bias in which we train a neural net using the local properties of the smoothed initial density field to predict the late-time mass-weighted halo field. By fitting the mass-weighted halo field in the AbacusSummit simulations at z=0.5, we find that including three coarsely spaced smoothing scales gives the best recovery of the halo power spectrum. Adding more smoothing scales may lead to 2-5% underestimation of the large-scale power and can cause the neural net to overfit. We find that the fitted halo-to-mass ratio can be well described by two directions in the original high-dimension feature space. Projecting the original features into these two principal components and re-training the neural net either reproduces the original training result, or outperforms it with a better match of the halo power spectrum. The elements of the principal components are unlikely to be assigned physical meanings, partly owing to the features being highly correlated between different smoothing scales. Our work illustrates a potential need to include multiple smoothing scales when studying galaxy bias, and this can be done easily with machine-learning methods that can take in high dimensional input feature space.

Stellar Reddening Based Extinction Maps for Cosmological Applications
Nayantara Mudur, Core Francisco Park, Douglas P Finkbeiner
The Astrophysical Journal, 2023, Volume 949, Number 2 [ arXiv:2212.04514 ]

Abstract Cosmological surveys must correct their observations for the reddening of extragalactic objects by Galactic dust. Existing dust maps, however, have been found to have spatial correlations with the large-scale structure of the Universe. Errors in extinction maps can propagate systematic biases into samples of dereddened extragalactic objects and into cosmological measurements such as correlation functions between foreground lenses and background objects and the primordial non-gaussianity parameter fNL. Emission-based maps are contaminated by the cosmic infrared background, while maps inferred from stellar-reddenings suffer from imperfect removal of quasars and galaxies from stellar catalogs. Thus, stellar-reddening based maps using catalogs without extragalactic objects offer a promising path to making dust maps with minimal correlations with large-scale structure. We present two high-latitude integrated extinction maps based on stellar reddenings, with a point spread function of full-width half-maximum 6.1' and 15'. We employ a strict selection of catalog objects to filter out galaxies and quasars and measure the spatial correlation of our extinction maps with extragalactic structure. Our galactic extinction maps have reduced spatial correlation with large scale structure relative to most existing stellar-reddening based and emission-based extinction maps.

Measuring the 8621 Å Diffuse Interstellar Band in Gaia DR3 RVS Spectra: Obtaining a Clean Catalog by Marginalizing over Stellar Types
Andrew K. Saydjari, Catherine Zucker, J. E. G. Peek, Douglas P. Finkbeiner
[ arXiv:2212.03879 ]

Abstract Diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) are broad absorption features associated with interstellar dust and can serve as chemical and kinematic tracers. Conventional measurements of DIBs in stellar spectra are complicated by residuals between observations and best-fit stellar models. To overcome this, we simultaneously model the spectrum as a combination of stellar, dust, and residual components, with full posteriors on the joint distribution of the components. This decomposition is obtained by modeling each component as a draw from a high-dimensional Gaussian distribution in the data-space (the observed spectrum) -- a method we call "Marginalized Analytic Data-space Gaussian Inference for Component Separation" (MADGICS). We use a data-driven prior for the stellar component, which avoids missing stellar features not included in synthetic line lists. This technique provides statistically rigorous uncertainties and detection thresholds, which are required to work in the low signal-to-noise regime that is commonplace for dusty lines of sight. We reprocess all public Gaia DR3 RVS spectra and present an improved 8621 Å DIB catalog, free of detectable stellar line contamination. We constrain the rest-frame wavelength to 8623.14±0.087 Å (vacuum), find no significant evidence for DIBs in the Local Bubble from the 1/6th of RVS spectra that are public, and show unprecedented correlation with kinematic substructure in Galactic CO maps. We validate the catalog, its reported uncertainties, and biases using synthetic injection tests. We believe MADGICS provides a viable path forward for large-scale spectral line measurements in the presence of complex spectral contamination.

Can denoising diffusion probabilistic models generate realistic astrophysical fields?
Nayantara Mudur, Douglas P. Finkbeiner
[ arXiv:2211.12444 ]

Abstract Score-based generative models have emerged as alternatives to generative adversarial networks (GANs) and normalizing flows for tasks involving learning and sampling from complex image distributions. In this work we investigate the ability of these models to generate fields in two astrophysical contexts: dark matter mass density fields from cosmological simulations and images of interstellar dust. We examine the fidelity of the sampled cosmological fields relative to the true fields using three different metrics, and identify potential issues to address. We demonstrate a proof-of-concept application of the model trained on dust in denoising dust images. To our knowledge, this is the first application of this class of models to the interstellar medium.

Limits on Simultaneous and Delayed Optical Emission from Well-localized Fast Radio Bursts
Daichi Hiramatsu, Edo Berger, Brian D. Metzger, Sebastian Gomez, Allyson Bieryla, Iair Arcavi, D. Andrew Howell, Ryan Mckinven, Nozomu Tominaga
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 2023, volume 947, number 2 [ arXiv:2211.03974 ]

Abstract We present the largest compilation to date of optical observations during and following fast radio bursts (FRBs). The data set includes our dedicated simultaneous and follow-up observations, as well as serendipitous archival survey observations, for a sample of 15 well-localized FRBs: eight repeating and seven one-off sources. Our simultaneous (and nearly simultaneous with a 0.4 s delay) optical observations of 13 (1) bursts from the repeating FRB 20220912A provide the deepest such limits to date for any extragalactic FRB, reaching a luminosity limit of νLν≲1042 erg s−1 (≲2×1041 erg s−1) with 15−400 s exposures; an optical-flux-to-radio-fluence ratio of fopt/Fradio≲10−7 ms−1 (≲10−8 ms−1); and flux ratio of fopt/fradio≲0.02−≲2×10−5 (≲10−6) on millisecond to second timescales. These simultaneous limits provide useful constraints in the context of FRB emission models, such as the pulsar magnetosphere and pulsar nebula models. Interpreting all available optical limits in the context of the synchrotron maser model, we find that they constrain the flare energies to ≲1043−1049 erg (depending on the distances of the various repeating FRBs, with ≲1039 erg for the Galactic SGR 1935+2154). These limits are generally at least an order of magnitude larger than those inferred from the FRBs themselves, although in the case of FRB 20220912A our simultaneous and rapid follow-up observations severely restrict the model parameter space. We conclude by exploring the potential of future simultaneous and rapid-response observations with large optical telescopes.

Deep Learning Detection and Classification of Gravitational Waves from Neutron Star-Black Hole Mergers
Richard Qiu, Plamen Krastev, Kiranjyot Gill, Edo Berger
Physics Letters B, 2023, Volume 840 [ arXiv:2210.15888 ]

Abstract The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and Virgo Interferometer Collaborations have now detected all three classes of compact binary mergers: binary black hole (BBH), binary neutron star (BNS), and neutron star-black hole (NSBH). For coalescences involving neutron stars, the simultaneous observation of gravitational and electromagnetic radiation produced by an event, has broader potential to enhance our understanding of these events, and also to probe the equation of state (EOS) of dense matter. However, electromagnetic follow-up to gravitational wave (GW) events requires rapid real-time detection and classification of GW signals, and conventional detection approaches are computationally prohibitive for the anticipated rate of detection of next-generation GW detectors. In this work, we present the first deep learning based results of classification of GW signals from NSBH mergers in extit{real} LIGO data. We show for the first time that a deep neural network can successfully distinguish all three classes of compact binary mergers and separate them from detector noise. Specifically, we train a convolutional neural network (CNN) on ∼500,000 data samples of real LIGO noise with injected BBH, BNS, and NSBH GW signals, and we show that our network has high sensitivity and accuracy. Most importantly, we successfully recover the two confirmed NSBH events to-date (GW200105 and GW200115) and the two confirmed BNS mergers to-date (GW170817 and GW190425), together with ≈90% of all BBH candidate events from the third Gravitational Wave Transient Catalog, GWTC-3. These results are an important step towards low-latency real-time GW detection, enabling multi-messenger astronomy.

Identifying Tidal Disruption Events with an Expansion of the FLEET Machine Learning Algorithm
Sebastian Gomez, V. Ashley Villar, Edo Berger, Suvi Gezari, Sjoert van Velzen, Matt Nicholl, Peter K. Blanchard, Kate. D. Alexander
The Astrophysical Journal, 2023, Volume 949, Issue 113 [ arXiv:2210.10810 ]

Abstract We present an expansion of FLEET, a machine learning algorithm optimized to select transients that are most likely to be tidal disruption events (TDEs). FLEET is based on a random forest algorithm trained on the light curves and host galaxy information of 4,779 spectroscopically classified transients. For transients with a probability of being a TDE, \ptde>0.5, we can successfully recover TDEs with a ≈40\% completeness and a ≈30\% purity when using the first 20 days of photometry, or a similar completeness and ≈50\% purity when including 40 days of photometry. We find that the most relevant features for differentiating TDEs from other transients are the normalized host separation, and the light curve (g−r) color during peak. Additionally, we use FLEET to produce a list of the 39 most likely TDE candidates discovered by the Zwicky Transient Facility that remain currently unclassified. We explore the use of FLEET for the Legacy Survey of Space and Time on the Vera C. Rubin Observatory (\textit{Rubin}) and the \textit{Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope} (\textit{Roman}). We simulate the \textit{Rubin} and \textit{Roman} survey strategies and estimate that ∼104 TDEs could be discovered every year by \textit{Rubin}, and ∼200 TDEs per year by \textit{Roman}. Finally, we run FLEET on the TDEs in our \textit{Rubin} survey simulation and find that we can recover ∼30\% of those at a redshift z<0.5 with \ptde>0.5. This translates to ∼3,000 TDEs per year that FLEET could uncover from \textit{Rubin}. FLEET is provided as a open source package on GitHub this https URL

The First Two Years of FLEET: an Active Search for Superluminous Supernovae
Sebastian Gomez, Edo Berger, Peter K. Blanchard, Griffin Hosseinzadeh, Matt Nicholl, Daichi Hiramatsu, V. Ashley Villar, Yao Yin
The Astrophysical Journal, 2023, Volume 949, Issue 114 [ arXiv:2210.10811 ]

Abstract In November 2019 we began operating FLEET (Finding Luminous and Exotic Extragalactic Transients), a machine learning algorithm designed to photometrically identify Type I superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) in transient alert streams. Using FLEET, we spectroscopically classified 21 of the 50 SLSNe identified worldwide between November 2019 and January 2022. Based on our original algorithm, we anticipated that FLEET would achieve a purity of about 50\% for transients with a probability of being a SLSN, \pslsn>0.5; the true on-sky purity we obtained is closer to 80\%. Similarly, we anticipated FLEET could reach a completeness of about 30\%, and we indeed measure an upper limit on the completeness of ≈33\%. Here, we present FLEET 2.0, an updated version of FLEET trained on 4,780 transients (almost 3 times more than in FLEET 1.0). FLEET 2.0 has a similar predicted purity to FLEET 1.0, but outperforms FLEET 1.0 in terms of completeness, which is now closer to ≈40\% for transients with \pslsn>0.5. Additionally, we explore possible systematics that might arise from the use of FLEET for target selection. We find that the population of SLSNe recovered by FLEET is mostly indistinguishable from the overall SLSN population, in terms of physical and most observational parameters. We provide FLEET as an open source package on GitHub this https URL

Inferring subhalo effective density slopes from strong lensing observations with neural likelihood-ratio estimation
Gemma Zhang, Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, Cora Dvorkin
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2022, Volume 517, Issue 3 [ arXiv:2208.13796 ]

Abstract Strong gravitational lensing has emerged as a promising approach for probing dark matter models on sub-galactic scales. Recent work has proposed the subhalo effective density slope as a more reliable observable than the commonly used subhalo mass function. The subhalo effective density slope is a measurement independent of assumptions about the underlying density profile and can be inferred for individual subhalos through traditional sampling methods. To go beyond individual subhalo measurements, we leverage recent advances in machine learning and introduce a neural likelihood-ratio estimator to infer an effective density slope for populations of subhalos. We demonstrate that our method is capable of harnessing the statistical power of multiple subhalos (within and across multiple images) to distinguish between characteristics of different subhalo populations. The computational efficiency warranted by the neural likelihood-ratio estimator over traditional sampling enables statistical studies of dark matter perturbers and is particularly useful as we expect an influx of strong lensing systems from upcoming surveys.

Uncovering dark matter density profiles in dwarf galaxies with graph neural networks
Tri Nguyễn, Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, Reuel Williams, Lina Necib
Physical Review D, 202, Volume 107, Issue 4 [ arXiv:2208.12825 ]

Abstract Dwarf galaxies are small, dark matter-dominated galaxies, some of which are embedded within the Milky Way. Their lack of baryonic matter (e.g., stars and gas) makes them perfect test beds for probing the properties of dark matter -- understanding the spatial dark matter distribution in these systems can be used to constrain microphysical dark matter interactions that influence the formation and evolution of structures in our Universe. We introduce a new method that leverages simulation-based inference and graph-based machine learning in order to infer the dark matter density profiles of dwarf galaxies from observable kinematics of stars gravitationally bound to these systems. Our approach aims to address some of the limitations of established methods based on dynamical Jeans modeling. We show that this novel method can place stronger constraints on dark matter profiles and, consequently, has the potential to weigh in on some of the ongoing puzzles associated with the small-scale structure of dark matter halos, such as the core-cusp discrepancy.

Robust Clustering of the Local Milky Way Stellar Kinematic Substructures with Gaia eDR3
Xiaowei Ou, Lina Necib, Anna Frebel
Royal Astronomical Society, 2023, Volume 521, Issue 2 [ arXiv:2208.01056 ]

Abstract We apply the clustering algorithm HDBSCAN on the Gaia early third data release astrometry combined with the Gaia second data release radial velocity measurements of almost 5.5 million stars to identify the local stellar kinematic substructures in the solar neighborhood. Understanding these structures helps build a more complete picture of the formation of the Milky Way, as well as an empirical phase space distribution of dark matter that would inform detection experiments. The main goal of this study is to provide a list of the most stable clusters, by taking into account the measurement uncertainties and studying the stability of the clustering results. We apply the clustering algorithm in two spaces, in velocity space in order to study recently accreted structures, and in action-angle space to find phase-mixed structures. We find 23 (6) robust clusters in velocity space (action-angle space) that are consistently not associated with noise. They are attributed to the known structures: the Gaia Sausage-Enceladus, the Helmi Stream, and globular cluster NGC 3201 are found in both spaces, while NGC 104 and the thick disk (Sequoia) are identified in velocity space (action-angle space). We discuss the kinematic properties of these structures and study whether many of the small clusters belong to a similar larger cluster based on their chemical abundances. Although we do not identify any new structures, we find that the HDBSCAN member selection of already known structures is unstable to input kinematics of the stars when resampled within their uncertainties. We therefore present the most stable subset of local kinematic structures, which are consistently identified by the clustering algorithm, and emphasize the need to take into account error propagation during both the manual and automated identification of stellar structures, both for existing ones as well as future discoveries. (abridged)

Characterizing the Expected Behavior of Non-Poissonian Template Fitting
Luis Gabriel C. Bariuan, Tracy R. Slatyer
Physical Review D, 2023, Volume 107, Issue 10–15 [ arXiv:2207.13097 ]

Abstract We have performed a systematic study of the statistical behavior of non-Poissonian template fitting (NPTF), a method designed to analyze and characterize unresolved point sources in general counts datasets. In this paper, we focus on the properties and characteristics of the Fermi-LAT gamma-ray data set. In particular, we have simulated and analyzed gamma-ray sky maps under varying conditions of exposure, angular resolution, pixel size, energy window, event selection, and source brightness. We describe how these conditions affect the sensitivity of NPTF to the presence of point sources, for inner-galaxy studies of point sources within the Galactic Center excess, and for the simplified case of isotropic emission. We do not find opportunities for major gains in sensitivity from varying these choices, within the range available with current Fermi-LAT data. We provide an analytic estimate of the NPTF sensitivity to point sources for the case of isotropic emission and perfect angular resolution, and find good agreement with our numerical results for that case.

Reconstructing Cosmological Initial Conditions from Late-Time Structure with Convolutional Neural Networks
Christopher J. Shallue, Daniel J. Eisenstein
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023, Volume 520, Issue 4 [ arXiv:2207.12511 ]

Abstract We present a method to reconstruct the initial linear-regime matter density field from the late-time non-linearly evolved density field in which we channel the output of standard first-order reconstruction to a convolutional neural network (CNN). Our method shows dramatic improvement over the reconstruction of either component alone. We show why CNNs are not well-suited for reconstructing the initial density directly from the late-time density: CNNs are local models, but the relationship between initial and late-time density is not local. Our method leverages standard reconstruction as a preprocessing step, which inverts bulk gravitational flows sourced over very large scales, transforming the residual reconstruction problem from long-range to local and making it ideally suited for a CNN. We develop additional techniques to account for redshift distortions, which warp the density fields measured by galaxy surveys. Our method improves the range of scales of high-fidelity reconstruction by a factor of 2 in wavenumber above standard reconstruction, corresponding to a factor of 8 increase in the number of well-reconstructed modes. In addition, our method almost completely eliminates the anisotropy caused by redshift distortions. As galaxy surveys continue to map the Universe in increasingly greater detail, our results demonstrate the opportunity offered by CNNs to untangle the non-linear clustering at intermediate scales more accurately than ever before.

Modeling early-universe energy injection with Dense Neural Networks
Yitian Sun, Tracy R. Slatyer
Physical Review D, Volume 107, Article 063541 [ arXiv:2207.06425 ]

Abstract We show that Dense Neural Networks can be used to accurately model the cooling of high-energy particles in the early universe, in the context of the public code package DarkHistory. DarkHistory self-consistently computes the temperature and ionization history of the early universe in the presence of exotic energy injections, such as might arise from the annihilation or decay of dark matter. The original version of DarkHistory uses large pre-computed transfer function tables to evolve photon and electron spectra in redshift steps, which require a significant amount of memory and storage space. We present a light version of DarkHistory that makes use of simple Dense Neural Networks to store and interpolate the transfer functions, which performs well on small computers without heavy memory or storage usage. This method anticipates future expansion with additional parametric dependence in the transfer functions without requiring exponentially larger data tables..

Radio excess from stimulated dark matter decay
Andrea Caputo,Hongwan Liu, Siddharth Mishra-Sharma,Maxim Pospelov, Joshua T. Ruderman
Physical REview D, 2023, Volume 107, Issue 12 [ ]

Abstract Despite an intense theoretical and experimental effort over the past decade, observations of the extragalactic radio background at multiple frequencies below 10 GHz are not understood in terms of known radio sources and may represent a sign of new physics. In this paper, we identify a new class of dark sector models with feebly interacting particles, where dark photons oscillate into ordinary photons that contribute to the radio background. Our scenario can explain both the magnitude and the spectral index of the radio background, while being consistent with other cosmological and astrophysical constraints. These models predict new relativistic degrees of freedom and spectral distortions of the cosmic microwave background, which could be detected in the next generation of experiments.

Strong Lensing Source Reconstruction Using Continuous Neural Fields
Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, Ge Yang
[ arXiv:2206.14820 ]

Abstract From the nature of dark matter to the rate of expansion of our Universe, observations of distant galaxies distorted through strong gravitational lensing have the potential to answer some of the major open questions in astrophysics. Modeling galaxy-galaxy strong lensing observations presents a number of challenges as the exact configuration of both the background source and foreground lens galaxy is unknown. A timely call, prompted by a number of upcoming surveys anticipating high-resolution lensing images, demands methods that can efficiently model lenses at their full complexity. In this work, we introduce a method that uses continuous neural fields to non-parametrically reconstruct the complex morphology of a source galaxy while simultaneously inferring a distribution over foreground lens galaxy configurations. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method through experiments on simulated data targeting high-resolution lensing images similar to those anticipated in near-future astrophysical surveys.

The Dark Energy Camera Plane Survey 2 (DECaPS2): More Sky, Less Bias, and Better Uncertainties
A. K. Saydjari, E. F. Schlafly, D. Lang, A. M. Meisner, G. M. Green, C. Zucker, I. Zelko, J. S. Speagle, T. Daylan, A. Lee, F. Valdes, D. Schlegel, D. P. Finkbeiner
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2023, Vol 264, Number 2 [ arXiv:2206.11909 ]

Abstract Deep optical and near-infrared imaging of the entire Galactic plane is essential for understanding our Galaxy's stars, gas, and dust. The second data release of the DECam Plane Survey (DECaPS2) extends the five-band optical and near-infrared survey of the southern Galactic plane to cover 6.5% of the sky, |b| < 10° and 6° > l > -124°, complementary to coverage by Pan-STARRS1. Typical single-exposure effective depths, including crowding effects and other complications, are 23.5, 22.6, 22.1, 21.6, and 20.8 mag in g, r, i, z, and Y bands, respectively, with around 1 arcsecond seeing. The survey comprises 3.32 billion objects built from 34 billion detections in 21.4 thousand exposures, totaling 260 hours open shutter time on the Dark Energy Camera (DECam) at Cerro Tololo. The data reduction pipeline features several improvements, including the addition of synthetic source injection tests to validate photometric solutions across the entire survey footprint. A convenient functional form for the detection bias in the faint limit was derived and leveraged to characterize the photometric pipeline performance. A new post-processing technique was applied to every detection to de-bias and improve uncertainty estimates of the flux in the presence of structured backgrounds, specifically targeting nebulosity. The images and source catalogs are publicly available at this http URL: http://decaps.skymaps.info/

Revealing the Milky Way’s Most Recent Major Merger with a Gaia EDR3 Catalog of Machine-Learned Line-of-Sight Velocities
Adriana Dropulic, Hongwan Liu, Bryan Ostdiek, Mariangela Lisanti
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, May 2023, Volume 521, Issue 2 [ arXiv:2205.12278 ]

Abstract Machine learning can play a powerful role in inferring missing line-of-sight velocities from astrometry in surveys such as Gaia. In this paper, we apply a neural network to Gaia Early Data Release 3 (EDR3) and obtain line-of-sight velocities and associated uncertainties for ~92 million stars. The network, which takes as input a star's parallax, angular coordinates, and proper motions, is trained and validated on ~6.4 million stars in Gaia with complete phase-space information. The network's uncertainty on its velocity prediction is a key aspect of its design; by properly convolving these uncertainties with the inferred velocities, we obtain accurate stellar kinematic distributions. As a first science application, we use the new network-completed catalog to identify candidate stars that belong to the Milky Way's most recent major merger, Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus (GSE). We present the kinematic, energy, angular momentum, and spatial distributions of the ~450,000 GSE candidates in this sample, and also study the chemical abundances of those with cross matches to GALAH and APOGEE. The network's predictive power will only continue to improve with future Gaia data releases as the training set of stars with complete phase-space information grows. This work provides a first demonstration of how to use machine learning to exploit high-dimensional correlations on data to infer line-of-sight velocities, and offers a template for how to train, validate and apply such a neural network when complete observational data is not available.

Going Beyond the Galaxy Power Spectrum: an Analysis of BOSS Data with Wavelet Scattering Transforms
Georgios Valogiannis, Cora Dvorkin
Physical Review D, 2022, Volume 106, Article 103509 [ arXiv:2204.13717 ]

Abstract We perform the first application of the wavelet scattering transform (WST) on actual galaxy observations, through a WST analysis of the BOSS DR12 CMASS dataset. We lay out the detailed procedure on how to capture all necessary layers of realism for an application on data obtained from a spectroscopic survey, including the effects of redshift-space anisotropy, non-trivial survey geometry, the shortcomings of the dataset through a set of systematic weights and the Alcock-Paczynski distortion effect. In order to capture the cosmological dependence of the WST, we use galaxy mocks obtained from the state-of-the-art ABACUSSUMMIT simulations, tuned to match the anisotropic correlation function of the BOSS CMASS sample in the redshift range 0.46<z<0.60. Using our theory model for the WST coefficients, as well as for the first 2 multipoles of the galaxy power spectrum, that we use as reference, we perform a likelihood analysis of the CMASS data and obtain the posterior probability distributions of 4 cosmological parameters, {ωbc,ns8}, as well as the Hubble constant, derived from a fixed value of the angular size of the sound horizon at last scattering measured by the Planck satellite, all of which are marginalized over the 7 nuisance parameters of the Halo Occupation Distribution model. The WST is found to deliver a substantial improvement in the values of the predicted 1σ errors compared to the regular power spectrum, which are tighter by a factor in the range 3−6 in the case of flat and uninformative priors and by a factor of 4−28, when a Big Bang Nucleosynthesis prior is applied on the value of ωb. Furthermore, in the latter case, we obtain a 0.6% measurement of the Hubble constant. Our results are investigative and subject to certain approximations in our analysis, that we discuss in the text.

Photometrically-Classified Superluminous Supernovae from the Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey: A Case Study for Science with Machine Learning-Based Classification
Brian Hsu, Griffin Hosseinzadeh, V. Ashley Villar, Edo Berger
The Astrophysical Journal, 2022, Volume 937, Number 1 [ arXiv:2204.09809 ]

Abstract With the upcoming Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), it is expected that only ∼0.1% of all transients will be classified spectroscopically. To conduct studies of rare transients, such as Type I superluminous supernovae (SLSNe), we must instead rely on photometric classification. In this vein, here we carry out a pilot study of SLSNe from the Pan-STARRS1 Medium-Deep Survey (PS1-MDS) classified photometrically with our SuperRAENN and Superphot algorithms. We first construct a sub-sample of the photometric sample using a list of simple selection metrics designed to minimize contamination and ensure sufficient data quality for modeling. We then fit the multi-band light curves with a magnetar spin-down model using the Modular Open-Source Fitter for Transients (MOSFiT). Comparing the magnetar engine and ejecta parameter distributions of the photometric sample to those of the PS1-MDS spectroscopic sample and a larger literature spectroscopic sample, we find that these samples are overall consistent, but that the photometric sample extends to slower spins and lower ejecta masses, which correspond to lower luminosity events, as expected for photometric selection. While our PS1-MDS photometric sample is still smaller than the overall SLSN spectroscopic sample, our methodology paves the way to an orders-of-magnitude increase in the SLSN sample in the LSST era through photometric selection and study.

Luminous Supernovae: Unveiling a Population Between Superluminous and Normal Core-collapse Supernovae
Sebastian Gomez, Edo Berger, Matt Nicholl, Peter K. Blanchard, Griffin Hosseinzadeh
The Astrophysical Journal, 2022, Volume 941, Number 2 [ arXiv:2204.08486 ]

Abstract Stripped-envelope core-collapse supernovae can be divided into two broad classes: the common Type Ib/c supernovae (SNe Ib/c), powered by the radioactive decay of 56Ni, and the rare superluminous supernovae (SLSNe), most likely powered by the spin-down of a magnetar central engine. Up to now, the intermediate regime between these two populations has remained mostly unexplored. Here, we present a comprehensive study of 40 extit{luminous supernovae} (LSNe), SNe with peak magnitudes of Mr=−19 to −20 mag, bound by SLSNe on the bright end and by SNe Ib/c on the dim end. Spectroscopically, LSNe appear to form a continuum between Type Ic SNe and SLSNe. Given their intermediate nature, we model the light curves of all LSNe using a combined magnetar plus radioactive decay model and find that they are indeed intermediate, not only in terms of their peak luminosity and spectra, but also in their rise times, power sources, and physical parameters. We sub-classify LSNe into distinct groups that are either as fast-evolving as SNe Ib/c or as slow-evolving as SLSNe, and appear to be either radioactively or magnetar powered, respectively. Our findings indicate that LSNe are powered by either an over-abundant production of 56Ni or by weak magnetar engines, and may serve as the missing link between the two populations.

Quantification of high dimensional non-Gaussianities and its implication to Fisher analysis in cosmology
Core Francisco Park, Erwan Allys, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Douglas P. Finkbeiner
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 946, Number 2 [ arXiv:2204.05435 ]

Abstract It is well known that the power spectrum is not able to fully characterize the statistical properties of non-Gaussian density fields. Recently, many different statistics have been proposed to extract information from non-Gaussian cosmological fields that perform better than the power spectrum. The Fisher matrix formalism is commonly used to quantify the accuracy with which a given statistic can constrain the value of the cosmological parameters. However, these calculations typically rely on the assumption that the likelihood of the considered statistic follows a multivariate Gaussian distribution. In this work we follow Sellentin & Heavens (2017) and use two different statistical tests to identify non-Gaussianities in different statistics such as the power spectrum, bispectrum, marked power spectrum, and wavelet scatering transform (WST). We remove the non-Gaussian components of the different statistics and perform Fisher matrix calculations with the extit{Gaussianized} statistics using Quijote simulations. We show that constraints on the parameters can change by a factor of ∼2 in some cases. We show with simple examples how statistics that do not follow a multivariate Gaussian distribution can achieve artificially tight bounds on the cosmological parameters when using the Fisher matrix formalism. We think that the non-Gaussian tests used in this work represent a powerful tool to quantify the robustness of Fisher matrix calculations and their underlying assumptions. We release the code used to compute the power spectra, bispectra, and WST that can be run on both CPUs and GPUs.

Topogivity: A Machine-Learned Chemical Rule for Discovering Topological Materials
Andrew Ma, Yang Zhang, Thomas Christensen, Hoi Chun Po, Li Jing, Liang Fu, Marin Soljačić
American Chemical Society Publications [ arXiv:2202.05255 ]

Abstract Topological materials present unconventional electronic properties that make them attractive for both basic science and next-generation technological applications. The majority of currently-known topological materials have been discovered using methods that involve symmetry-based analysis of the quantum wavefunction. Here we use machine learning to develop a simple-to-use heuristic chemical rule that diagnoses with a high accuracy whether a material is topological using only its chemical formula. This heuristic rule is based on a notion that we term topogivity, a machine-learned numerical value for each element that loosely captures its tendency to form topological materials. We next implement a high-throughput strategy for discovering topological materials based on the heuristic topogivity-rule prediction followed by ab initio validation. This way, we discover new topological materials that are not diagnosable using symmetry indicators, including several that may be promising for experimental observation.

Constraining the Time of Gravitational Wave Emission from Core-Collapse Supernovae
Kiranjyot Gill, Griffin Hosseinzadeh, Edo Berger, Michele Zanolin, Marek Szczepanczyk
The Astrophysical Journal, 2022, Volume 931, Number 2 [ arXiv:2201.03609 ]

Abstract The advent of sensitive gravitational wave (GW) detectors, coupled with wide-field, high cadence optical time-domain surveys, raises the possibility of the first join GW-electromagnetic (EM) detections of core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe). For targeted searches of Gas from CCSNe optical observation can be used to increase the sensitivity of the search by restricting the relevant time interval, defined here as the GW search window (GSW). The extent of the GSW is a critical factor in determining the achievable false alarm probability (FAP) for a triggered CCSN search. The ability to constrain the GSW from optical observations depends on how early a CCSN is detected, as well as the ability to model the early optical emission. Here we present several approaches to constrain the GSW, ranging in complexity from model-independent analytical fits of the early light curve, model-dependent fits of the rising or entire light curve, and a new data-driven approach using existing well-sampled CCSN light curves from {\it Kepler} and the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). We use these approaches to determine the time of core-collapse and its associated uncertainty (i.e., the GSW). We apply our methods to two Type II See that occurred during LIGO/Virgo Observing Run 3: SN\,2019fcn and SN\,2019ejj (both in the same galaxy at d = 15.7 Mac). Our approach shortens the duration of the GSW and improves the robustness of the GSW compared to techniques used in past GW CCSN searches.

Photometry on Structured Backgrounds: Local Pixelwise Infilling by Regression
Andrew K. Saydjari, Douglas P. Finkbeiner
The Astrophysical Journal, 2022, Volume 933, Number 2 [ arXiv:2201.07246 ]

Abstract Photometric pipelines struggle to estimate both the flux and flux uncertainty for stars in the presence of structured backgrounds such as filaments or clouds. However, it is exactly stars in these complex regions that are critical to understanding star formation and the structure of the interstellar medium. We develop a method, similar to Gaussian process regression, which we term local pixelwise infilling (LPI). Using a local covariance estimate, we predict the background behind each star and the uncertainty on that prediction in order to improve estimates of flux and flux uncertainty. We show the validity of our model on synthetic data and real dust fields. We further demonstrate that the method is stable even in the crowded field limit. While we focus on optical-IR photometry, this method is not restricted to those wavelengths. We apply this technique to the 34 billion detections in the second data release of the Dark Energy Camera Plane Survey (DECaPS2). In addition to removing many >3σ outliers and improving uncertainty estimates by a factor of ∼2−3 on nebulous fields, we also show that our method is well-behaved on uncrowded fields. The entirely post-processing nature of our implementation of LPI photometry allows it to easily improve the flux and flux uncertainty estimates of past as well as future surveys.

Impact of Massive Binary Star and Cosmic Evolution on Gravitational Wave Observations II: Double Compact Object Rates and Properties
Floor S. Broekgaarden, Edo Berger, Simon Stevenson, Stephen Justham, Ilya Mandel, Martyna Churślińska, Like A. C. van Son, Tom Wagg, Alejandro Vigna-Gómez, Selma E. De Mink, Debatri Chattopadhyay, Coenraad J. Neijssel
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2022, Volume 516, Issue 4, Pages 5737–5761 [ arXiv:2112.05763 ]

Abstract Making the most of the rapidly increasing population of gravitational-wave detections of black hole (BH) and neutron star (NS) mergers requires comparing observations with population synthesis predictions. In this work we investigate the combined impact from the key uncertainties in population synthesis modelling of the isolated binary evolution channel: the physical processes in massive binary-star evolution and the star formation history as a function of metallicity, Z, and redshift z,S(Z,z). Considering these uncertainties we create 560 different publicly available model realizations and calculate the rate and distribution characteristics of detectable BHBH, BHNS, and NSNS mergers. We find that our stellar evolution and S(Z,z) variations can impact the predicted intrinsic and detectable merger rates by factors 102-104. We find that BHBH rates are dominantly impacted by S(Z,z) variations, NSNS rates by stellar evolution variations and BHNS rates by both. We then consider the combined impact from all uncertainties considered in this work on the detectable mass distribution shapes (chirp mass, individual masses and mass ratio). We find that the BHNS mass distributions are predominantly impacted by massive binary-star evolution changes. For BHBH and NSNS we find that both uncertainties are important. We also find that the shape of the delay time and birth metallicity distributions are typically dominated by the choice of S(Z,z) for BHBH, BHNS and NSNS. We identify several examples of robust features in the mass distributions predicted by all 560 models, such that we expect more than 95% of BHBH detections to contain a BH ≳8M⊙ and have mass ratios ≲4. Our work demonstrates that it is essential to consider a wide range of allowed models to study double compact object merger rates and properties.

Substructure Detection Reanalyzed: Dark Perturber shown to be a Line-of-Sight Halo
Atınç Çağan Şengül, Cora Dvorkin, Bryan Ostdiek, Arthur Tsang
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2022, Volume 515, Issue 3, Pages 4391–4401 [ arXiv:2112.00749 ]

Abstract Observations of structure at sub-galactic scales are crucial for probing the properties of dark matter, which is the dominant source of gravity in the universe. It will become increasingly important for future surveys to distinguish between line-of-sight halos and subhalos to avoid wrong inferences on the nature of dark matter. We reanalyze a sub-galactic structure (in lens JVAS B1938+666) that has been previously found using the gravitational imaging technique in galaxy-galaxy lensing systems. This structure has been assumed to be a satellite in the halo of the main lens galaxy. We fit the redshift of the perturber of the system as a free parameter, using the multi-plane thin-lens approximation, and find that the redshift of the perturber is zint=1.22+0.11−0.11 (with a main lens redshift of z=0.881). Our analysis indicates that this structure is more massive than the previous result by more than an order of magnitude. This constitutes the first dark perturber shown to be a line-of-sight halo with a gravitational lensing method.

New limits on the light dark matter: proton cross section from the cosmic large-scale structure
Keir K. Rogers, Cora Dvorkin, Hiranya V. Peiris
Physical Review Letters, 2022, Volume 128, Article 171301 [ arXiv:2111.10386 ]

Abstract We set the strongest limits to-date on the velocity-independent dark matter (DM) - proton cross section σ for DM masses m=10keV to 100GeV, using large-scale structure traced by the Lyman-alpha forest: e.g., a 95% lower limit σ<6×10−30cm2, for m=100keV. Our results complement direct detection, which has limited sensitivity to sub-GeV DM. We use an emulator of cosmological simulations, combined with data from the smallest cosmological scales used to-date, to model and search for the imprint of primordial DM-proton collisions. Cosmological bounds are improved by up to a factor of 25.

A neural simulation-based inference approach for characterizing the Galactic Center γ-ray excess
Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, Kyle Cranmer
Physical Review D, 2922, Volume 105, Article 063017 [ arXiv:2110.06931 ]

Abstract The nature of the Fermi gamma-ray Galactic Center Excess (GCE) has remained a persistent mystery for over a decade. Although the excess is broadly compatible with emission expected due to dark matter annihilation, an explanation in terms of a population of unresolved astrophysical point sources e.g., millisecond pulsars, remains viable. The effort to uncover the origin of the GCE is hampered in particular by an incomplete understanding of diffuse emission of Galactic origin. This can lead to spurious features that make it difficult to robustly differentiate smooth emission, as expected for a dark matter origin, from more "clumpy" emission expected for a population of relatively bright, unresolved point sources. We use recent advancements in the field of simulation-based inference, in particular density estimation techniques using normalizing flows, in order to characterize the contribution of modeled components, including unresolved point source populations, to the GCE. Compared to traditional techniques based on the statistical distribution of photon counts, our machine learning-based method is able to utilize more of the information contained in a given model of the Galactic Center emission, and in particular can perform posterior parameter estimation while accounting for pixel-to-pixel spatial correlations in the gamma-ray map. This makes the method demonstrably more resilient to certain forms of model misspecification. On application to Fermi data, the method generically attributes a smaller fraction of the GCE flux to unresolved point sources when compared to traditional approaches. We nevertheless infer such a contribution to make up a non-negligible fraction of the GCE across all analysis variations considered, with at least 38+9−19% of the excess attributed to unresolved points sources in our baseline analysis.

Inferring dark matter substructure with astrometric lensing beyond the power spectrum
Siddharth Mishra-Sharma
[ arXiv:2110.01620 ]

Abstract Astrometry -- the precise measurement of positions and motions of celestial objects -- has emerged as a promising avenue for characterizing the dark matter population in our Galaxy. By leveraging recent advances in simulation-based inference and neural network architectures, we introduce a novel method to search for global dark matter-induced gravitational lensing signatures in astrometric datasets. Our method based on neural likelihood-ratio estimation shows significantly enhanced sensitivity to a cold dark matter population and more favorable scaling with measurement noise compared to existing approaches based on two-point correlation statistics, establishing machine learning as a powerful tool for characterizing dark matter using astrometric data.

Hardware-accelerated Inference for Real-Time Gravitational-Wave Astronomy
Alec Gunny, Dylan Rankin, Jeffrey Krupa, Muhammed Saleem, Tri Nguyen, Michael Coughlin, Philip Harris, Erik Katsavounidis, Steven Timm, Burt Holzman
[ arXiv:2108.12430 ]

Abstract The field of transient astronomy has seen a revolution with the first gravitational-wave detections and the arrival of multi-messenger observations they enabled. Transformed by the first detection of binary black hole and binary neutron star mergers, computational demands in gravitational-wave astronomy are expected to grow by at least a factor of two over the next five years as the global network of kilometer-scale interferometers are brought to design sensitivity. With the increase in detector sensitivity, real-time delivery of gravitational-wave alerts will become increasingly important as an enabler of multi-messenger followup. In this work, we report a novel implementation and deployment of deep learning inference for real-time gravitational-wave data denoising and astrophysical source identification. This is accomplished using a generic Inference-as-a-Service model that is capable of adapting to the future needs of gravitational-wave data analysis. Our implementation allows seamless incorporation of hardware accelerators and also enables the use of commercial or private (dedicated) as-a-service computing. Based on our results, we propose a paradigm shift in low-latency and offline computing in gravitational-wave astronomy. Such a shift can address key challenges in peak-usage, scalability and reliability, and provide a data analysis platform particularly optimized for deep learning applications. The achieved sub-millisecond scale latency will also be relevant for any machine learning-based real-time control systems that may be invoked in the operation of near-future and next generation ground-based laser interferometers, as well as the front-end collection, distribution and processing of data from such instruments.

Towards an Optimal Estimation of Cosmological Parameters with the Wavelet Scattering Transform
Georgios Valogiannis, Cora Dvorkin
Physical Review D, 2022, 105, 103534 [ arXiv:2108.07821 ]

Abstract Optimal extraction of the non-Gaussian information encoded in the Large-Scale Structure (LSS) of the universe lies at the forefront of modern precision cosmology. We propose achieving this task through the use of the Wavelet Scattering Transform (WST), which subjects an input field to a layer of non-linear transformations that are sensitive to non-Gaussianity in spatial density distributions through a generated set of WST coefficients. In order to assess its applicability in the context of LSS surveys, we apply the WST on the 3D overdensity field obtained by the Quijote simulations, out of which we extract the Fisher information in 6 cosmological parameters. It is subsequently found to deliver a large improvement in the marginalized errors on all parameters, ranging between 1.2−4× tighter than the corresponding ones obtained from the regular 3D cold dark matter + baryon power spectrum, as well as a 50% improvement over the neutrino mass constraint given by the marked power spectrum. Through this first application on 3D cosmological fields, we demonstrate the great promise held by this novel statistic and set the stage for its future application to actual galaxy observations.

A Deep-learning Approach for Live Anomaly Detection of Extragalactic Transients
Ashley Villar, Miles Cranmer, Edo Berger, Gabriella Contardo, Shirley Ho, Griffin Hosseinzadeh, Joshua Yao-Yu Lin
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 255 [ ]

Abstract The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and Virgo Interferometer Collaborations have now detected all three classes of compact binary mergers: binary black hole (BBH), binary neutron star (BNS), and neutron star-black hole (NSBH). For coalescences involving neutron stars, the simultaneous observation of gravitational and electromagnetic radiation produced by an event, has broader potential to enhance our understanding of these events, and also to probe the equation of state (EOS) of dense matter. However, electromagnetic follow-up to gravitational wave (GW) events requires rapid real-time detection and classification of GW signals, and conventional detection approaches are computationally prohibitive for the anticipated rate of detection of next-generation GW detectors. In this work, we present the first deep learning based results of classification of GW signals from NSBH mergers in extit{real} LIGO data. We show for the first time that a deep neural network can successfully distinguish all three classes of compact binary mergers and separate them from detector noise. Specifically, we train a convolutional neural network (CNN) on ∼500,000 data samples of real LIGO noise with injected BBH, BNS, and NSBH GW signals, and we show that our network has high sensitivity and accuracy. Most importantly, we successfully recover the two confirmed NSBH events to-date (GW200105 and GW200115) and the two confirmed BNS mergers to-date (GW170817 and GW190425), together with ≈90% of all BBH candidate events from the third Gravitational Wave Transient Catalog, GWTC-3. These results are an important step towards low-latency real-time GW detection, enabling multi-messenger astronomy.

A Compound Poisson Generator approach to Point-Source Inference in Astrophysics
Gabriel H. Collin, Nicholas L. Rodd, Tyler Erjavec, Kerstin Perez
The Astrophysical Journal, 2022, Volume 260, Number 2 [ arXiv:2104.04529 | code ]

Abstract The identification and description of point sources is one of the oldest problems in astronomy; yet, even today the correct statistical treatment for point sources remains as one of the field's hardest problems. For dim or crowded sources, likelihood based inference methods are required to estimate the uncertainty on the characteristics of the source population. In this work, a new parametric likelihood is constructed for this problem using Compound Poisson Generator (CPG) functionals which incorporate instrumental effects from first principles. We demonstrate that the CPG approach exhibits a number advantages over Non-Poissonian Template Fitting (NPTF) - an existing parametric likelihood method - in a series of test scenarios in the context of X-ray astronomy. These demonstrations show that the effect of the point-spread function, effective area, and choice of point-source spatial distribution cannot, in general, be factorised as they are in the NPTF construction, while the new CPG construction is validated in these scenarios. Separately, an examination of the diffuse-flux emission limit is used to show that most simple choices of priors on the standard parameterisation of the population model can result in unexpected biases: when a model comprising both a point-source population and diffuse component is applied to this limit, nearly all observed flux will be assigned to either the population or to the diffuse component. A new parametrisation is presented for these priors which is demonstrated to properly estimate the uncertainties in this limit. In this choice of priors, the CPG correctly identifies that the fraction of flux assigned to the population model cannot be constrained by the data.

Machine Learning the 6th Dimension: Stellar Radial Velocities from 5D Phase-Space Correlations
Adriana Dropulic, Bryan Ostdiek, Laura J. Chang, Hongwan Liu, Timothy Cohen, and Mariangela Lisanti
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2021, 915, L14 [ arXiv:2103.14039 ]

Abstract The Gaia satellite will observe the positions and velocities of over a billion Milky Way stars. In the early data releases, the majority of observed stars do not have complete 6D phase-space information. In this Letter, we demonstrate the ability to infer the missing line-of-sight velocities until more spectroscopic observations become available. We utilize a novel neural network architecture that, after being trained on a subset of data with complete phase-space information, takes in a star's 5D astrometry (angular coordinates, proper motions, and parallax) and outputs a predicted line-of-sight velocity with an associated uncertainty. Working with a mock Gaia catalog, we show that the network can successfully recover the distributions and correlations of each velocity component for stars that fall within ∼5 kpc of the Sun. We also demonstrate that the network can accurately reconstruct the velocity distribution of a kinematic substructure in the stellar halo that is spatially uniform, even when it comprises a small fraction of the total star count.

The Luminous and Double-Peaked Type Ic Supernova 2019stc: Evidence for Multiple Energy Sources
Sebastian Gomez, Edo Berger, Griffin Hosseinzadeh, Peter K. Blanchard, Matt Nicholl, V. Ashley Villar
The Astrophysical Journal, 2021, Vol. 913, Article 143 [ arXiv:2103.02611 ]

Abstract We present optical photometry and spectroscopy of SN\,2019stc (=ZTF19acbonaa), an unusual Type Ic supernova (SN Ic) at a redshift of z=0.117. SN\,2019stc exhibits a broad double-peaked light curve, with the first peak having an absolute magnitude of Mr=−20.0 mag, and the second peak, about 80 rest-frame days later, Mr=−19.2 mag. The total radiated energy is large, Erad≈2.5×1050 erg. Despite its large luminosity, approaching those of Type I superluminous supernovae (SLSNe), SN\,2019stc exhibits a typical SN Ic spectrum, bridging the gap between SLSNe and SNe Ic. The spectra indicate the presence of Fe-peak elements, but modeling of the first light curve peak with radioactive heating alone leads to an unusually high nickel mass fraction of fNi≈31% (MNi≈3.2 M⊙). Instead, if we model the first peak with a combined magnetar spin-down and radioactive heating model we find a better match with Mej≈4 M⊙, a magnetar spin period of Pspin≈7.2 ms and magnetic field of B≈1014 G, and fNi≲0.2 (consistent with SNe Ic). The prominent second peak cannot be naturally accommodated with radioactive heating or magnetar spin-down, but instead can be explained as circumstellar interaction with ≈0.7 M⊙ of hydrogen-free material located ≈400 AU from the progenitor. Including the remnant mass leads to a CO core mass prior to explosion of ≈6.5 M⊙. The host galaxy has a metallicity of ≈0.26 Z⊙, low for SNe Ic but consistent with SLSNe. Overall, we find that SN\,2019stc is a transition object between normal SNe Ic and SLSNe.

On the convergence of group-sparse autoencoders
Emmanouil Theodosis, Bahareh Tolooshams, Pranay Tankala, Abiy Tasissa, Demba Ba
[ arXiv:2102.07003 ]

Abstract Recent approaches in the theoretical analysis of model-based deep learning architectures have studied the convergence of gradient descent in shallow ReLU networks that arise from generative models whose hidden layers are sparse. Motivated by the success of architectures that impose structured forms of sparsity, we introduce and study a group-sparse autoencoder that accounts for a variety of generative models, and utilizes a group-sparse ReLU activation function to force the non-zero units at a given layer to occur in blocks. For clustering models, inputs that result in the same group of active units belong to the same cluster. We proceed to analyze the gradient dynamics of a shallow instance of the proposed autoencoder, trained with data adhering to a group-sparse generative model. In this setting, we theoretically prove the convergence of the network parameters to a neighborhood of the generating matrix. We validate our model through numerical analysis and highlight the superior performance of networks with a group-sparse ReLU compared to networks that utilize traditional ReLUs, both in sparse coding and in parameter recovery tasks. We also provide real data experiments to corroborate the simulated results, and emphasize the clustering capabilities of structured sparsity models.

Detection and Parameter Estimation of Gravitational Waves from Binary Neutron-Star Mergers in Real LIGO Data using Deep Learning
Plamen G. Krastev, Kiranjyot Gill, V. Ashley Villar, Edo Berger
Physics Letters B, 2021, Vol. 815, Article 136161 [ arXiv:2012.13101 ]

Abstract One of the key challenges of real-time detection and parameter estimation of gravitational waves from compact binary mergers is the computational cost of conventional matched-filtering and Bayesian inference approaches. In particular, the application of these methods to the full signal parameter space available to the gravitational-wave detectors, and/or real-time parameter estimation is computationally prohibitive. On the other hand, rapid detection and inference are critical for prompt follow-up of the electromagnetic and astro-particle counterparts accompanying important transients, such as binary neutron-star and black-hole neutron-star mergers. Training deep neural networks to identify specific signals and learn a computationally efficient representation of the mapping between gravitational-wave signals and their parameters allows both detection and inference to be done quickly and reliably, with high sensitivity and accuracy. In this work we apply a deep-learning approach to rapidly identify and characterize transient gravitational-wave signals from binary neutron-star mergers in real LIGO data. We show for the first time that artificial neural networks can promptly detect and characterize binary neutron star gravitational-wave signals in real LIGO data, and distinguish them from noise and signals from coalescing black-hole binaries. We illustrate this key result by demonstrating that our deep-learning framework classifies correctly all gravitational-wave events from the Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog, GWTC-1 [Phys. Rev. X 9 (2019), 031040]. These results emphasize the importance of using realistic gravitational-wave detector data in machine learning approaches, and represent a step towards achieving real-time detection and inference of gravitational waves.